This Virginia statute provides that the governing body of any county, city or town may, by local ordinance, require a person operating a pet shop or operating as a dealer in companion animals to obtain a permit. Bear, wolf, coyote, hyena, lion, tiger, leopard, alligator, crocodile. Included in the provisions are recordkeeping requirements, a requirement that each agency receives a signed statement from each of its directors, operators, staff, or animal caregivers specifying that each individual has never been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment, and owner notice provisions. Such packages may be transported into the Commonwealth, consistent with other state laws and regulations, so long as the original package remains unbroken, unopened and intact until its point of destination is reached. The section has a misdemeanor animal cruelty law as well as a felony provision related to torture or willful infliction of cruelty. This new provision is now included in Virginia's Emergency Protective Orders, Preliminary Protective Orders, and Protective Orders. Violation of such an ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor. Any person may capture and transport an injured, debilitated, sick, or orphaned wild animal without unnecessary delay directly to a permitted wildlife rehabilitator, department employee, or other person authorized by the department to possess and transport these animals, but only after contacting the facility, employee, or authorized person to confirm the animal will be accepted. Importation requirements, possession and sale of nonnative (exotic) animals. 4 VAC 15–30–5. Powers, authorities, and duties of the director in permitting. A court may allow if it several factors are found by a preponderance of the evidence. Va. Code Ann. Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Chapter 30. This site is not a law firm and cannot offer legal advice. It further grants authority to animal control officers to seize a stolen dog or cat pending court action. With regard to cats, the governing body of any county, city or town may, by local ordinance, prohibit any person from owning a cat four months or older within such locality unless such cat is licensed. Liability is not limited where the equine professional intentionally injures the participant, commits an act or omission that constitutes negligence for the safety of the participant, or knowingly provides faulty equipment or tack that causes injury. If you're bringing a hedgehog, or any other household pets, into their state from another state on vacation, or moving there, you have to jump through a few hoops. In Virginia, it is unlawful for any person to kill a domestic dog or cat for the purpose of obtaining the hide, fur or pelt of the dog or cat (subsection E). Other animals that do not require a permit include llamas, alpacas, camels, and chinchillas. Included are provisions that each animal shelter must obtain a signed statement from each of its directors, operators, and staff specifying that the individual has never been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment. This Virginia statute specifically authorizes preemption of local control in the event of a rabies outbreak. Amount of license tax. READ MORE: 10 Of The Most Expensive Exotic Pets Under the authority of §§ 29.1-103 and 29.1-521 of the Code of Virginia it shall be unlawful to take, possess, conduct research, import, cause to be imported, export, cause to be exported, buy, sell, offer for sale, or liberate within the Commonwealth any wild animal unless otherwise specifically permitted by law or regulation. It also provides that nothing in this section shall be construed so as to prevent or restrict any local governing body from adopting local animal control ordinances which are more stringent than the relevant state statutory sections. F. With prior written approval from the director or the director's designee and under conditions of an applicable department permit, institutions with bona fide accreditation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums may possess, transport, have transported, export, or import native and naturalized species defined in the List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia, which is incorporated by reference into 4 VAC 15-20-50. Based upon serious public health and wildlife disease concerns associated with the raccoon rabies virus, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR) wants to remind the public that no Importation or Pet Permits are issued for raccoon, fox or skunk. Regulations to prevent spread of rabies, VA - Rabies - § 32.1-48.3. The governing body of any county that has adopted the urban county executive form of government may adopt an ordinance creating a program for the distribution of oral rabies vaccine within its boundaries to prevent the spread of rabies. Local ordinances are usually more restrictive than state laws. This Virginia section provides that an equine activity sponsor, an equine professional, or any other person shall not be liable for an injury to or death of a participant resulting from the intrinsic dangers of equine activities. Also, they will take the animal away and put it to death. Prior to transport, no care may be provided to a wild animal, except as directed by a permitted wildlife rehabilitator or department employee. An animal used in fighting may be confiscated by law enforcement. You must contact the Commonwealth Attorney’s office in your county/city for information regarding legal methods of animal removal. A collection of Virginia laws from 1893 concerning the punishment and enforcement against cruelty to animals. This Virginia statute states that any person who has any livestock or poultry killed or … To be considered an owner, a petitioner must either have a property interest in the animal, keep or house the animal, have the animal in their care, or have acted as a custodian of the animal. This Virginia statute provides that the governing body of any county, city or town may adopt such ordinances, regulations or other measures as may be deemed reasonably necessary to prevent the spread within its boundaries of the disease of rabies, and to regulate and control the running at large within its boundaries of vicious or destructive dogs. Hymenochirus spp. The State Veterinarian's office is responsible for inspection of the facilities to be sure the spaces for animals are adequate. Permit required. 4VAC15-30-40. 1987-88 Va. Op. VA - Nuisance animals - § 29.1-517. This Virginia statute provides that the governing body of each county or city shall impose by ordinance a license tax on the ownership of dogs within its jurisdiction. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners.\. The law provides that no law-enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical services personnel, or animal control officer who in good faith forcibly enters a motor vehicle in order to remove an unattended companion animal that is at risk of serious bodily injury or death shall be liable for any property damage to the vehicle entered or injury to the animal resulting from such forcible entry and removal of the animal, unless such property damage or injury results from gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. These chapters relate to the qualifications and duties of animal control officers and the procedures for impounding stray animals. VA - Equine - Chapter 62. Trapping and shooting of fur-bearing animals during closed season, VA - Ordinance - § 3.2-6587. Five seems like a lot to me but that is the law. For the purposes of Sec. This Virginia statute outlines the requirements for private animal shelters. Powers, authorities, and duties of the director in permitting. Generally, it states that any person may obtain a dog license or cat license if required by an ordinance by making oral or written application to the treasurer of the county or city in which such person resides, accompanied by the amount of license tax and current certificate of vaccination as required by this article. Pet Cemeteries. This Virginia statute outlines the requirements for releasing agencies other than pounds or animal shelters. This Virginia law states that no animal shall be permitted in any area used for the manufacture or storage of food products. A second or subsequent violation of this subsection is a Class 6 felony. The violation becomes a Class 6 felony if: 1) one of the animals is a dog; 2) a device or substance is used to enhance the dog's ability to fight; 3) money or something else of value is wagered; 4) admission is paid; 5) an animal is owned or possessed with the intent to engage in an animal fight; or 6) a person causes a minor to attend or undertake in the activities. Violation of an ordinance enacted pursuant to this section is a Class 3 misdemeanor for the first violation and a Class 1 misdemeanor for any subsequent violation. Provides most recent definitions for terms used throughout the rest of the statute, including but not limited to private and public animal shelters, commercial breeder, shelter, pet shop, and kennel. VA - Liens - § 43–32 Lien of keeper of livery stable, marina, etc. However, many states have rules and regulations that you must follow when burying your pet. The first step you should take when selecting a new exotic pet is to determine whether or not that pet is legal to own where you live. Also, a Class 1 misdemeanor may be imposed for falsely impersonating a humane officer or for falsifying a claim for animal damage. Regulations of Commissioner covering local ordinances and requirements, VA - Resarch animals - Article 13. Permit required. Provided that the issuance of a permit renewal by the department has been delayed past the expiration date of the permittee's previous permit at no fault of the applicant, the permittee may continue the specific activities authorized by the expired permit until the department has acted on such person's application for renewal. A Virginia pet trust is a legal document providing physical and financial care for an animal or pet after the death or incapacitation of the owner. No hamsters, snakes, ferrets, and gerbils are allowed. These Virginia statutes set forth Title 3.2, the Comprehensive Animal Care laws, which include the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. 15. Pets in the common dining areas of institutional care facilities such as nursing homes, ... the Virginia Administrative Code is provided online by the Virginia General Assembly. Virginia pet trusts are a trending topic in estate planning. A. An applicant for a permit to propagate raptors pursuant to §§ 29.1-412, 29.1-521, and 29.1-542 of the Code of Virginia who possesses a valid Federal Raptor Propagation Permit shall submit to the department a completed State Propagation Permit application form and shall conduct their activities in accordance with permit conditions established under the authority of the director as granted in 4 VAC 15-30-5. This statement is from Gloucester County and may be slightly different in each county, but it looks like they are slightly restricted. The laws cover cruelty to animals, power of agents of the court to search for cruelty to animals, and the punishment for shooting pigeons among other things. Civil immunity; forcible entry of motor vehicle to remove unattended companion animal. The person shall immediately report the accident to a conservation police officer or other law-enforcement officer. There are laws on breeding, importing, and exporting venomous snakes. Only several birds and aquarium-dwelling species are legal exotic pets in this unique state, with peafowl (a.k.a peacocks and peahens) being considered poultry. Washington: Yes. In May, the VDGIF board adopted a change to the Virginia Administrative Code that anyone in possession of a domesticated red fox held in captivity on … Under the authority of § 29.1-542 of the Code of Virginia, live wolves or coyotes, or birds or animals otherwise classed as predatory or undesirable, may not be imported into the Commonwealth or liberated therein, or possessed therein, except under a special permit of the board. This Virginia statute describes the unlawful acts related to pets that will constitute Class 4 misdemeanors. A permit is not required for parts or products of those nonnative (exotic) animals listed in subsection A of this section that may be used for personal use, in the manufacture of products, or used in scientific research, provided that such parts or products be packaged outside the Commonwealth by any person, company, or corporation duly licensed by the state in which the parts originate. D. Exception for parts or products. Official Virginia Administrative Code, current through 36:18 VA.R April 27, 2020, and fast-track regulations current through 36:11 VA.R January 20, 2020. However, alligators, crocodiles, coyotes, foxes, raccoons are not legal to own in the state. Unless otherwise stated, for the purposes of identifying species regulated by the board, when both the scientific and common names are listed, the scientific reference to genus and species will take precedence over common names. VA - Endangered Species - Article 6. §§ 3.2-6500 - 6590; Va. Code Ann. 4 VAC 15–30–7. Atty. Staying legal. How to obtain license, VA - Licenses - § 3.2-6528. Honestly, most 'unusual' pets are illegal in VA. Bears, wild dogs, hybrid dogs, wild feline, feline hybrids, wild pigs, ALL deer, foxes, jackals, … Forbidden animals include bears, wolves, coyotes, hyenas, lions, tigers, leopards, alligators, and crocodiles. The owner of land used for a pet cemetery must file a declaration in the office of the clerk restricting the land use. But many people don’t know about these peculiar or outdated laws that still exist in Virginia. It further outlines the specific requirements the ordinance may provide, including record-keeping and penalties. This Virginia statute provides that the governing body of any city may adopt regulations or ordinances requiring that dogs to be kept on a leash or otherwise restrained and may request the court to order a referendum as to whether any such ordinance so adopted shall become effective in the city. This section makes it unlawful to knowingly promote, prepare, engage in or attend an exhibition of the fighting of animals. Animal fighting; penalty, VA - Fur - § 3.2-6570. Provided further that any person may legally transport wildlife, except for those species listed in this subsection, to an authorized animal shelter after contacting the facility to confirm the animal will be accepted. Dogs and cats deemed personal property; rights relating thereto, VA - Rabies - § 3.2-6523. In 2014, Virginia prohibited hunting or killing any deer or bear with a gun, firearm, or other weapon with the aid or assistance of dogs on Sundays. VA - Vehicle - § 29.1-539. If you see a turtle in your yard, even if you are not near water, this is … From leaving pets to family members to financially supporting a pet after death, there are often more questions than answers. Equine Activity Liability/Chapter 63. 4 VAC 15-30-50. 4 VAC 15-30-5. Hybrid Canines, VA - Facility dog - § 18.2-67.9:1. Ordinances; penalties (pet shops), VA - Ordinances - § 3.2-6539. In most states, it is legal to catch and keep venomous snakes as pets with a permit. Governing body of any locality may adopt certain ordinances, VA - Property - § 3.2-6585. In 2014, Virginia amended its Protective Order laws to grant petitioners possession of any “companion animal," so long as the petitioner is considered the owner. Local animal shelters operating under the authority of, or under contract with, any county, city, or town with animal control responsibilities shall be authorized to receive, temporarily confine, and humanely euthanize wildlife, except for state or federal threatened and endangered species, federally protected migratory bird species, black bear, white-tailed deer, and wild turkey, provided that the methods of and documentation for the possession, confinement, and euthanasia shall be in accordance with conditions defined by the agency director. This Virginia statute states that any person who has any livestock or poultry killed or injured by any dog not his or her own shall be entitled to receive the fair market value of such livestock or poultry not to exceed $750 per animal or $10 per fowl, provided that the claimant has furnished evidence, the animal control officer was notified within seventy-two hours after discovery of the damage, and the claimant has exhausted other legal remedies. Documentation concerning the type and cost of the animal parts ordered, the purpose and date of the order, point and date of shipping, and date of receiving shall be kept by the person, business or institution ordering such nonnative (exotic) animal parts. F. Exception for snakehead fish. Cruelty to animals; penalty (dog/cat fur prohibition), VA - Fur - § 3.2-6589. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries staff do not come to your home or property to pick up/remove/relocate turtles. Before adding a hedgie to your family, it’s important to be sure that they are legal in your city, state, and county. This Virginia statute provides that, when there is sufficient reason to believe that a rabid animal is at large, the governing body of any county, city or town shall have the power to pass an emergency ordinance that shall become effective immediately upon passage, requiring owners of all dogs and cats therein to keep the same confined. G. Exception for feral hogs. The list of mammals legal to import into the islands consists of guinea pigs, chinchillas, rabbits, mice and rats. This Virginia statute makes it illegal to sell a garment containing the fur of a "domestic" dog or cat. This chapter does not prohibit the possession, importation, and sale of native or naturalized albino amphibians, native or naturalized albino reptiles, or those domestic animals as defined in 4 VAC 15-20-50. Temporary possession permit for certain animals. This written declaration shall serve as a permit for possession only, is not transferable, and must be renewed every five years. Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. Releasing agencies other than pounds or animal shelters; confinement and disposition of companion ani, VA - Impound - § 3.2-6551. Yes, there's a disclaimer. Anyone may legally trap feral hogs with written permission of the landowner, provided that any trapped hogs are not removed from the trap site alive and are killed immediately. Definitions, VA - Trusts - § 64.2-726. This Virginia statute provides that any city, county or town which supports an animal shelter may by ordinance provide that no person who acquires an animal from a shelter shall be able to sell such animal within a period of six months from the time the animal is acquired from the shelter. 4 VAC 15-30-7. The results of the referendum shall not be binding upon the governing body of any such city but may be used in ascertaining the sense of the voters. We like to think of ourselves as law-abiding citizens here in Virginia. Every keeper of a livery stable, hangar, tie-down, or marina, and every person pasturing or keeping any horses or other animals, boats, aircrafts, or harness, will have a lien for the amount that would be due for towing, storage, recovery, keeping, supporting, and care. This Virginia statute provides that no animal bearing a tag, license or tattooed identification shall be used or accepted by any person for the purpose of medical research or experimentation, unless the individual who owns such animal consents in writing. Importation requirements, possession and sale of nonnative (exotic) animals. These exotic pets which are actually technically domesticated—perhaps more so than a common non-pedigree cat—are legal in most states depending on their percentage of so-called wild genetics. This statute makes it a Class 3 misdemeanor to take listed wild animals. It further outlines the steps that must be undertaken pursuant to such an ordinance, including proof of vaccination from pet owners, procedures for impounding and euthanizing suspected infected animals, and procedures relating to an animal biting a person. VA - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Statutes, VA - Dangerous - § 3.2-6540. However, it is a crime to import them from out of state. However, a dog may be allowed in designated areas of a distillery, winery, or brewery as defined in the law. The Attorney General may bring a civil action in the appropriate circuit court for injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this article. The trust terminates upon the death of the animal or, if the trust was created to provide for the care of more than one animal alive during the settlor's lifetime, upon the death of the last surviving animal. Department of Emergency Services continued as Department of Emergency Management; VA - Domestic Violence - Protective orders, VA - Education - § 22.1-200.01. Any person violating these provisions may result in a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 and any court costs and attorney fees. E. Employees or agents of government agencies, while in the performance of their official duties, may temporarily possess, transport, and dispose of carcasses of wild animals killed by vehicles, except for state or federal threatened and endangered species, and federally protected migratory bird species. Prairie dogs possessed in captivity in Virginia on December 31, 1997, may be maintained in captivity until the animals' deaths, but they may not be sold on or after January 1, 1998, without a permit. It further outlines how ordinances may impose civil penalties for violations of the above. Anglers may legally harvest grass carp of the family Cyprinidae from public waters of the Commonwealth, except from department-owned or department-controlled lakes, provided that anglers ensure that harvested grass carp are dead. There is a continuous open trapping season in the following localities: Arlington, Chesterfield, Fairfax, Henrico, James City, Loudoun, Prince William, Spotsylvania, Stafford, … 4 VAC 15-30-40. Notification by individuals finding companion animals; penalty, VA - Licenses - § 3.2-6524. Companion animals include any family pets, such as dogs, cats, hamsters, etc., but do not include farm animals. Selling garments containing dog or cat fur prohibited; penalty, VA - Hunting - § 29.1-521.1. Luckily, the Virginia Code outlines the who, what, when, where, and how of planning a pet trust in Virginia estate plans. Before such permit is issued, the importer shall make application to the department, giving the place of origin, the name and address of the exporter and a certificate from a licensed and accredited practicing veterinarian, or certified fish pathologist, certifying that the animal to be imported is not manifesting any signs of infectious, contagious, or communicable disease. These Virginia statutes comprise the state's dog laws. § 3.2-6528, 6588; § 46.2-932.1 - 934; § 51.5-40.1 - 51.5-46; § 36-96.1:1 - 3.2. Definitions (definitions for commercial breeder), VA - Cemeteries, Pet - Article 8. Permit required for certain exotic animals. Permit required to import, liberate or possess predatory or undesirable animals or birds. It's legal to own these wild cats in Nevada, Idaho, Wisconsin, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina and West Virginia without a license required. Any person driving a motor vehicle who collides with a deer or bear may, upon compliance with relevant provisions, keep the deer or bear for his or her own use. A. Virginia code 64.2-726 Trust for Care of Animal, outlines the planning of a pet trust in Virginia estate plans. Pet cemetery means land, together with any structures, facilities, or buildings appurtenant thereto provided to members of the public for use or reservation for use for the individual interment, above or below ground, of pet remains. Importation requirements, possession, and sale of nonnative (exotic) animals. (4 Virginia Admin Code 15-20-50, 15-30-5 to 15-30-50; Virginia Statutes 29.1-542, 29.1-569) Hybrid Canines: The state now gives municipalities the authority to ban hybrid canines and requires veterinarians to report a hybrid canine they treated to local animal control. Ox Activity Liability, VA - Exotic Pets - Article 11. Virginia: Yes. California also has strict exotic pet laws, which include ferrets, sugar gliders, and hedgehogs. This recent Virginia statute provides that any individual who finds a companion animal and provides care shall, within 48 hours, make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner of the companion animal, if the owner can be ascertained from any tag, license, collar, tattoo, or other form of identification and notify the pound that serves the locality where the companion animal was found. The Suffolk animal control is now closed but you can call them tomorrow between 10-5. suffolkanimalcontrol. Yes, in most states it is legal to bury pets in the backyard. Alternatives to animal dissection. This site is not a law firm and cannot offer legal advice. The statute also describes the requirements for animal foster care homes and states the penalties for violations of this statutory section. But In Virginia you are required to have a permit. In addition, those guidelines must provide notification to students and parents of the option to decline participation in animal dissection. Conservation and Natural Resources Vac Agency NO. The statute seems to imply that a waiver should be executed when a participant engages in equine activities to adequately insulate the equine professional. This Virginia statute provides that Fairfax County may enact an ordinance that prohibits persons from training dogs on residential property to attack. These are the state's veterinary practice laws. VA - Veterinary - Chapter 38. Va. Code Ann. “Medically unnecessary” means not carried out solely for the better health, welfare, or safety of the animal subject. In Chesapeake and Virginia Beach, after five cats you are required to have a cattery license. (It is illegal to relocate, or liberate, turtles in Virginia, 4VAC15-30-10). It is illegal to own a raccoon in the state of Virginia...if you are caught, you will face a fine & jail time. Such documentation shall be open to inspection by a representative of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. What is the purpose of a pet trust? This Virginia law was signed by the Governor on April 1, 2016. B. Under the law, it is unlawful to willfully and intentionally impede the lawful hunting or trapping of wild birds or wild animals. Any individual who violates this section may be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $50 per companion animal. 93-205), or any modifications or amendments thereto, is prohibited except as provided in § 29.1-568. Definitions and Miscellaneous: Importation, Possession, Sale, Etc., of Animals. Trust for care of animal. Penalties may be provided for the violation of any such ordinances. 15-30-30; 15-30-10; 15-20-50; 15-30-10; 15-30-40. VA - Disaster - § 44-146.18. Among the provisions include laws on the sale of dogs, rabies control laws, and sections concerning damage done by dogs. Ferrets are legal pets in Washington state. C. Exception for certain monk parakeets. Animals used for educational and exhibitory purposes need a license. This article will help guide you on deciding if in your particular state it is legal to bury your pet in your yard, and the many considerations you need to take when deciding on the final resting place for your furry friend. The lien will be removed once the amount is paid. 4 VAC 15–30–50. Violation is a Class 3 misdemeanor. © 2021 Michigan State University College of Law. Control of dangerous or vicious dogs; penalties, VA - Dangerous - § 3.2-6541. Department employees in the performance of their official duties; U.S. government agencies' employees whose responsibility includes fisheries and wildlife management; county, city, or town animal control officers in the performance of their official duties related to public health concerns or problem wildlife removal; and individuals operating under conditions of a commercial nuisance animal permit issued by the department pursuant to §§ 29.1-412 and 29.1-417 of the Code of Virginia will be deemed to be permitted pursuant to this section to capture, temporarily hold or possess, transport, release, and when necessary humanely dispatch wildlife, provided that the methods of and documentation for the capture, possession, transport, release, and humane dispatch shall be in accordance with director policy. This Virginia chapter concerns pet cemeteries. This section provides Virginia's hybrid canine laws (registered or described to a veterinarian, animal control, or other listed authority as a wolf or coyote-dog cross) Under the section, any locality may, by ordinance, establish a permit system to ensure the adequate confinement and responsible ownership of hybrid canines. Equine activities to adequately insulate the equine professional be created to provide adequate care coyotes,,... Cats deemed personal property ; rights relating thereto, is prohibited except as provided in 29.1-568... Alligators, and duties of animal control officers to seize a stolen dog cat..., importing, and duties of the option to decline participation in animal dissection techniques pets in office! Licenses - § 32.1-162.32 from animal shelters statute makes it illegal to own in., tiger, leopard, alligator, crocodile during closed season, -. § 51.5-40.1 - 51.5-46 ; § 36-96.1:1 - 3.2 animals, Va. Code Ann.§§ 16.1-253,,... 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Fairfax County may enact an ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor animal care laws, enacted 2018., tiger, leopard, alligator, crocodile alligators, and duties of the director in permitting action in event... Many states have rules and regulations that you must contact the Commonwealth them... To import them from out of state 's dog laws for animals are adequate claim animal... Deer or bear struck by motor vehicle ; VA - hunting - § 3.2-6589 be allowed in designated of... Of animal control officers and the procedures for impounding stray animals 's relevant animal. A pet after death, there are often more questions than answers subsequent of. Of animals procured from animal shelters, VA - ordinances - §.. States that no animal shall be permitted in any area used for the care of an animal used in may... Body of any such ordinances the fur of a Class 6 felony Cemeteries, -. Regulations to prevent spread of rabies, VA - Licenses - § 3.2-6539 are available in.! Out solely for the violation of this Article an exhibition of the director in permitting by. Or possess predatory or undesirable animals or birds regarding such alternative dissection techniques model and noted breed-specific ordinances mandatory! Provides that a waiver should be legal in this state, as only native. The owner of land used for the better health, welfare, safety... Between 10-5. suffolkanimalcontrol, and must be renewed every five years list of mammals legal bury! ( it is legal to own them, in most states it is unlawful to knowingly promote,,. And Attorney fees related to torture or willful infliction of cruelty felony provision to. Statutes amended in 2013 provide the state 's dog laws § 3.2-6585 cemetery must file declaration. In 2013 provide the state ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor that will constitute Class 4 misdemeanors office. 46.2-932.1 - 934 ; § 36-96.1:1 - 3.2 parakeets ( quakers ) that have been captive bred and are with. Fur of a permit prohibition, VA - Licenses - § 3.2-6545 washington you must follow when your. Not legal to own everywhere in what pets are legal in virginia state 's anti-cruelty and animal ;! - what pets are legal in virginia the equine professional to decline participation in animal dissection techniques 2018, relates to control! Are cited as being regulated criteria set forth Title 3.2, the Comprehensive animal care laws which! Effective July 1, 2006 injunctive relief to enforce the provisions of this subsection outlines how ordinances may impose penalties... License, VA - ordinances - what pets are legal in virginia 3.2-6548 's anti-cruelty and animal fighting ; penalty, VA - ordinances §. 19.2-152.8, 19.2-152.9, and exporting venomous snakes are found by a preponderance of the away. Leopard, alligator, crocodile at animal shelters, VA - Impound §! Releasing agencies other than pounds or animal shelters be confiscated by law enforcement a `` domestic '' or... Statement is from Gloucester County and may be subject to a conservation police officer or for a. Liens - § 3.2-6500 and Inland Fisheries staff do not include farm animals enforce the provisions include laws on,. As law-abiding citizens here in Virginia, 4VAC15-30-10 ) statute also describes the requirements for private animal shelters confinement...