It's definitely an interesting one!! But when several plans fail to achieve the desired murder, the whole plan & target changes, and an unspeakably awful murder occurs, on a very innocent person, sending shockwaves into the community!! James Pietragallo Net Worth - Age, Height, Weight, Wiki & Bio Harrison Zelt, By: This week, in Hill City, South Dakota, when bodily is found, horribly murdered, with the head & hands cut off, in a very rural area, it seems like a mystery, for the ages. He is best known for racing in the Pro Stock category and has won multiple national events. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This all leads to an elaborate plot, featuring just about every local dirtbag imaginable, including members of a local biker gang, named "Toot", and "Critter". Along the way, we find out that Michigan loves maple syrup, that too many people in the same living space can lead to violence, and that testifying against your own mother might not be cool!! Attention quickly focuses on a neighborhood teenager, with a creepy history, a love for girls that wear purple, and a real penchant for Satan, and anything remotely Satanic! Along the way, we find out that Boyz II Men still has some living members, that some things just can't be blamed on weed, and that certain things shouldn't be prepared in a restaurant kitchen!! Research, Whisman says, has leads them from standard archives to a wide variety of other sources, oftentimes taking hours upon hours to compile all the necessary information needed for each episode. She escaped justice for over 20 years, before finally having to face her horrible crimes. This week, in Eyota, Minnesota, a group of young, drifting restaurant workers form what they call a "family". Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! It's a mystery, but the one thing that is known for sure, is that a serial killer is on the loose. It's almost unbelievable to investigators that these people could do this type of terrible murder, to the person it was committed upon, someone they were so incredibly close to. Our 10 favorite Succession episodes ranked. Did they break up & run in separate directions? This week, we look at the festive beach town of Newport, Oregon, where a disappearance goes unsolved for years, before the violent story begins to come apart, and reveal the horrible truth. An absolute mess, with an equally messy ending! Even he's not quite sure where this itch came from, but he scratched it by killing at least 7 women, that he thought no one would miss, in brutal, terrible & heartless ways. We litigate claims in judicial and administrative forums and represent both private and public employers in state and federal courts. Our was it his brother? When he is finally discovered, his tale of what actually happened is one for record books. So, a plot is hatched that includes one of the most brazen, broad daylight kidnapping/murder plots, ever thought up. In depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts comedic spin on the whole thing. It's a brazen series of extra heinous attacks, leading to a legal battle that goes all the way to the Supreme Court! Along the way, we find out older people love to camp, that teenagers, who make pipe bombs are probably up to no good, and that some things are too horrible to even imagine! All seems open and shut, with the killer brazenly sending bloody & threatening notes to everyone involved, including the victim's families & the prosecutor. But that's only the beginning. Their house becomes a central gathering point, and is called "The Spahn Ranch of Tennessee", as their makeshift Manson clan comes & goes. This week, in Hanover Township, New Jersey, a bright, popular cheerleader disappears from the mall parking lot, leaving her car keys still in the ignition. It's a wild ride!! When she is eventually found, brutally murdered, the investigation quickly goes cold, and stays cold for 14 years, until new information comes from a very unexpected sources, and puts all the pieces in place. A simply insane story, about a man who was on tv, every week, for 10 years. as part of the Phoenix visit. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts! A woman found, in her own kitchen, bludgeoned & stabbed, with two knives still protruding from her back, and her family's story just isn't quite adding up. ahovski kamp ahovskog saveza PG Za vrijeme ahovske kole za poetnike, zavisno od prijava, odrati e se i kamp ahovskog saveza PG na kojemu e mlade upanijske talente pouavati upanijski treneri velemajstor Ognjen Cvitan i meunarodni majstor Hrvoje Jurkovi, Fide majstor Ivan Mandeki. Qui tam actions involve claims against businesses, corporations and individuals for submitting false and fraudulent claims for payment to federal, state or local. What led to this? james pietragallo grandmother 86.7K followers. After that selections, we will find out exactly what landed them in jail, with a synopsis of each of their crimes!! James Pietragallo net worth is $500,000 James Pietragallo Wiki: Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family James Pietragallo is a producer and actor, known for No Room for Groceries (2006) and Showbiz AZ (2007). Here are some of our faves for mens fashion and craft beer. It's as wild as it sounds!! Was the kidnapped man in on the scheme? The problem is, there may be many, many more, where those came from, as he's suspected of having killed in several other states, as well! This week, in Mio, Michigan, two long time friends head out from Detroit, to a hunting cabin, deep in the north woods, for weekend of beer drinking, and sitting in the woods. Right across the street. Along the way, we find out just how toxic a town has to be before people start to leave, how riding a certain bus, in Alabama, in 1961 could be quite dangerous, and why you should never let anyone into your house Ever!! Along the way, we find out that women had it rough in the 1800's, that maybe it isn't a good idea to store half of everything you own in your pick up truck, and that decapitation & field dressing is rarely a suicide!! A large home, with blood on the walls, and bodies in different areas. This week, in Bantam, Connecticut, a horribly brutal & bloody scene reminds everyone of a very similar murder, a couple years earlier, and everyone worries that a serial killer is on the prowl. Crazy stuff!! Will Zoloft be the culprit, or the person who did the actual killing? The two comedians are longtime friends from Phoenix who have launched two podcasts based on true stories. The excuses are weak, and so is the defense, but just when you think it's all over, a possible surprise from the past surfaces. Legal factors, and small town publicity become a factor as this story twists & turns, with life in the balance. Along the way, we find out why certain terrible names no loner exist, how syrup extracting can get you out of a locked basement, and exactly how cold-blooded a way you can kill someone & still only be a "witness"!! Comedians James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that takes place there. Along the way, we learn how long the FBI will watch someone who may, or may not have underage hostages. An ad, looking for a "sugar daddy" catches his interest, and a strange relationship is born. RIGHT??? This week, in Bloomingdale, Illinois, a man blows into town, charming some of the local women, but he turns out to have a shady past that very accurately predicts his murderous behavior in the future. This week, in Northport, New York, the teenagers of Long Island, in 1984, are out of control, between the drugs, the crime & all that Satan. The friend who drove past the house? Along the way, we find out that a town with nothing in it isn't much of a town, that when a woman tells you that sex was consensual, it probably was, and that your son might not be the best person to take on a killing spree!! They're even more surprised when. Along the way, we find out that a fake haunting can make a town famous, that the term "dolphin head" may be a much more perverted thing than you'd think, and that you should always be sure to kill the person that you want dead!! This week, in Bagdad, Arizona, a man is attacked, in his front yard by a masked assailant, who immediately flees the scene. A tale of petty revenge, and a blood ritual of sorts, from an unlikely person, a 14 year old girl. If youre more interested in the small screen, these are the best podcasts that have been adapted into TV shows. They seem to be living a little family dream until every day pressures make it difficult. Naa meunarodna majstorica Ana Berke, inae dvostruka seniorska prvakinja drave na kraju je bila trea to je svakako odlian rezultat pa e i ona imati mjesto u svim nacionalnim selekcijama. 1,271 posts. Complete with disturbing photos taken with the victim's own camera. All these questions are answered, and more in this crazy story!! This plan works beautifully for a while, until it's proven that you don't have to be in the city to have murder come knocking on your door. Along the way, we find out that Maine people get drunker in the spring, that you must respect someone when they say they'll only tell a story one time, and that maybe you just shouldn't follow trails of blood that lead into the woods!! This week, in Fremont, New Hampshire, when a woman, who also happens to be an out of state fugitive, goes missing, police are baffled, until an expected source leads them to something small which leads to something much bigger. Along the way, we find out that Delaware was the first state, that there's many ways to get blood on a mattress, and that you should never reach into a bag full of maggots & mystery flesh!! Along the way, we find out that every town wants to claim Christmas as their own, that wearing one shoe is way crazier than wearing no shoes, and that saying that God told you to do what you did might not be the worst excuse!! The problem was that this backwoods locale even scares investigators, who were hesitant to poke around in such a rural area, where there are always eyes on you!! The offending brother has a seriously weird story to tell police, as he tries to justify his actions. This week, in Petal, Mississippi, a vicious, and seemingly senseless attack, and murder rocks a family, while everyone else scrambles to find a motive for the highly unlikely suspect. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Pure weird!! If I am being honest, I don't know how I ended up here. By the conclusion of the night, we end up with the horribly mutilated body of a "family" member, complete with odd carvings, and all fingers pointing at the victim's friends. It's a nasty, callous murder, and the only thing crazier is what happens when the legal system gets involved. Michael Jordan? But he doesn't mind saying "The Waterboy" may have set off the whole thing! Along the way, we find out that free parking is essential, if the earth is bleeding, it might actually just be a murderer, and you never want to have a family reunion at a sentencing hearing!! The resulting bloodbath causes many years of court, and a frankly crazy result! This week, in Grayson, Kentucky, a troubled man with a rough history, gets out of prison, finds a girlfriend, and gets wasted. This exact kind of thing. Her mild mannered husband doesn't get mad, but instead asks all parties concerned to please stop their behavior. Follow the prompts to create your account and start your free trial. James Pietragallo (left) and Jimmie Whisman (right), . The police initially think they have the people responsible, only to find out they didn't. Not to mention the unnavigable maze of their family tree, where everyone is married to everyone, and they all seem to be cousins! This week, in Clarence, Iowa, a family with some problems, like Mom is a convicted murderer, and Dad is an out of work trucker, who is having an affair with his adult step daughter, lead to seemingly inevitable circumstances, when one of them ends up on the side of a rural gravel road. This week, we look into the sleepy town of Eufaula, Oklahoma, where a down on their luck, and meth addled couple hatch an ill conceived plan that leads to a brutal double murder. What they hear is a tale of confusion, brutality, and absolute horror at the things that happened in one particular home! For a free month of Stitcher Premium, go to and use promo code 'SMALLTOWN. Mainly because this professor is a married woman, and also having several other affairs. And any these people may not have even done the deed. Or was it something even darker, that we know nothing about??? Josh Allen is an John Landis made millions as a director and actor in Hollywood, eventually becoming one of the wealthiest icons in the film world. This week, we return for part 2, to the small town of South Lake Tahoe, California, where a man honed his twisted fantasies, and eventually acted on them, drawing the attention of the nation to this town of ski chalets, and trailer parks. This week, we check out the small, upstate New York town of Otisco, where a woman began her career of arson, and murder that would extend across the area, and the years. He sort of succeeds, as a murder does happen, but it's the most bumbling murder committed by the undead, in history! Revenge? But where is the killer? He is cruel, angry, and completely out of his mind. A very strange story!! Pietragallos net worth comes from hosting Crime in Sports. Another act of violence, committed by the dead woman's husband. This week, we take a look at the small town of Maynardville, Tennessee, where two young men turn a night of fun & drinking into the most grisly murder scene this area has ever seen.Along the way, we find out what kind of wine goes with hot dogs, if McDonald's is the right career choice for a young man, and how many different stories a man can tell police about his participation in a murder, and still be taken seriously!! The weird part is, that's just the tip of this crazy iceberg, because his second life turns out to be even more unbelievable than his first. The investigation that follows is the definition of inept, and the conclusion will leave you shocked and laughing!! Along the way, we find out that Nebraska loves their testicles, that the devil generally doesn't leave babies for you, inside of host bodies that he has possessed, and when you murder someone, they don't want you to have any of their body parts!! And so does the DNA. It will come as no surprise to anyone that this doesn't work out well, but that's only the beginning, as the legal waters are muddier than a Georgia swamp! This week, in Duchesne, Utah, a man who has always had trouble with the law, gets angry when some a couple that he knows may have wronged him. Koretsky has earned his wealth from his successful career in drag racing as well as from various sponsorships. All of it! Along the way, we find out that every "mushroom festival" might not be what you think it is, that maybe there should be a maturity test before marriage, and that when you leave every piece of evidence possible for the cops to find, you probably have to plead guilty!! There are several bodies, and several loose ends, including a missing teenager, and a sick grandpa, who is incapable of speech, and can't be relied upon as a witness. He is a member of the NHRA Hall of Fame and has been inducted in the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America. A history of sordid attempts to take creepy pictures, and maybe make some snuff films, blows this whole thing wide open, and even more disturbing information is unearthed! EXCLUSIVE: True crime remains one of the bedrocks of the podcasting world.. James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman, hosts of popular audio series Small Town Murder and Crime in Sports, are doubling down on the genre and extending into new areas with the launch of Upside Down Digital Network.. The last hope of finding him rests on the tv show, "Unsolved Mysteries". Or, just go on and sign up for the true crime wine club. This week, in Cave Junction, Oregon, a man with a shady past, and even shadier present lures a younger woman into his awful web. This week, we look at the out of the way town of Kensett, Arkansas, where a misguided man blunders, and fumbles through 3 brutal murders, for seemingly no good reason. James Pietragallo Net Worth : $ 7,00,000 Lets check out updated 2021 James Pietragallo Net Worth Income Salary report which is given below : James Pietragallo 's Salary / Income: Per Year: $ 4,00,000Per Too much church, not enough romance, and a secret affair all lead to the the downfall of a marriage, and ultimately, one of the most brutal, but clumsy murders possible. Along the way, we find out every holler has its own strange culture, that it's a bad sign when your teenager leaves the house in the back of a pick up truck, and that some people have no shame, or even humanity! Their momentum in the true crime space is astounding and the addition of compelling projects across new genres will be the catalyst for continued success. This week, in Pitman, New Jersey, a quiet, idyllic street, where two beloved local residents are planning to spent the rest of their lives is shaken, when those very same beloved people are found in pools of blood, inside their own home. Are they brazenly stupid, or criminally insane? A terribly bumbling investigation of the bloody & horrific crime scene follows, complete with awful police work. He is also the owner of Kenny Koretsky Motorsports, a racing organization that has been involved in the sport for over 25 years. Shut Up and Give Me Murder: How True Crime Podcasts Successfully Blend