All of these Irish slang words can be used to describe someone who is drunk. Meaning: (Expression) A grand aul day is an expression used in Ireland when the weather is perfect. In Ireland, there are countless ways to describe something as great or good. Its pure shit today. 15 . Meaning: A person from the country, or basically anyone that comes from anywhere other than Dublin. Example: Lets not leave today. Lets go somewhere else. Example: Tell the kids to come in now because its rotten. Irish In origin. The slang was taken from the original word and is now one of the common Irish sayings today. These are all bad! Come here to me Youll hear this, usually, at the start of a conversation or sentence when someone wants to get your attention or has something important to me. If you hear this you should expect sunshine and warm weather, possibly a light breeze. Its definitely Irish slang once more. Im interested in 18th century Irish slang, particularly the word they used to make denigrating remarks about the British. sound out irish slang. Meaning: Stop moaning / complainingNote: To gurn is to complain about a person. It usually refers to someone who willingly does a favour, asked or not, although usually unexpected - Like when you ask for one rollie and your given two, or the bouncer to an over 21s let's you in when your 20. A bit like some of these phrases for me! Youre out of your tree! Example: Houl yer whisht! Donkeys years Used to refer to a very long time. The more frequent, everyday Irish sayings and phrases that frequently appear in conversation are covered in the following section. Hence, a precarious situation. Howanever and anyways 12. My friend Mayo Declan is an expert in this field. Howsagoin?! It can mean you understand. Not to be confused with the following. likely to wake up the next day with a bad hangover. Please share your feedback in the box below. Shite Meaning shit, rubbish or pants. The Craic was 90 There's more than just one craic in Irish slang. Let me help you with your things. Or to tell someone to get sense about something. Ah no. Example: Hurry, theres a peeler heading our way. Irish In origin. He might act like a bollox, but he's sound out really. Example: Youve been in your room faffing all day but failed to clean it! This expression means he or she wont be doing something. Youll hear stall it when someone wants to pause at a shop and pop inside and they need their friends to stop and wait. Mocking is catching If you are mocking or teasing someone about something, be careful karma doesnt come to bite you in the backside! Im going to volunteer to translate Irish slang to keep it going and to make this guide as helpful as possible. Some of my favorites are listed below. What were you thinking?! drunk and banned. However, there are a few different ways youll hear it used more frequently: There is absolutely no way that I am doing that. Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. I will, yes. And I mean heavy rain. Example: hey, dawn! Full of Tips, Reviews, Travel Blogs 7 Coronation Road, Launchese, London, NW10 7PQ, UNITED KINGDOM Contact us: [emailprotected] Read more. Meaning: (Noun) The messages is an Irish term for shopping or groceries. Can also mean someone is a fool. Learn more? From a few houses to several miles away. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyones breath away. Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?" But in the Irish slang dictionary, deadly means outstanding or cool. Ah here you can go and bollox if you think Im doing that., Ive a pain in me bollox with you/listening to you refers to annoyance with something or someone, This is yet another way to describe something that is filthy or in poor condition. Its finely stopped pissing down. The day is suitable for drying. Whats the craic can also be used to say hello to someone meaning hi, any gossip/how is it going. Meaning: (Noun) A melter is someone incredibly annoying that he or she might actually melt your brain. It was in this paper bag, but its not inside anymore. As in, Bout ye, chief! Like a pint? Depending on the circumstance, this one might be offensive. Example: 'He's not feeling the best today, he was locked last night.'. Hes a cute hoor that fella, for instance, and he always manages to score a free ticket to the concerts in Phoenix Park. Thats why he dropped out of school. Meaning: (Phrase) Ogeous handling is a situation wherein the people are in danger. Example: The man you were with is gombeen. Note: This could mean anything. Leppin Another word for starving or hungry. It is often used vulgarly, but can also be used in day-to-day conversations. This *might* give you an insight. Its a grand, soft day Means its a rainy day, but more so fine, misty rain than pouring rain. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear This is a common phrase youll hear older Irish people sayings which implies you cannot make something good from something that is naturally bad. Its pissing down today. Comes from the fact that some peoples cheeks go red with embarrassment. Most frequently, it is used in response to the questions Hows it going and How are you feeling? How are you doing today? Can also describe someone who takes risks. Meaning: (Noun) The word mucker is used as another name for a friend. Example: He is such an eejit for breaking your heart! Meaning: (Phrase) In a heap/hoop is a person who is overly intoxicated. For instance, How are you doing, hey? Youre coming out later for a few beers, right? Ribena is a blackcurrant dilutable very popular in Ireland. Example: Do you remember the yoke I brought home yesterday? Irish people frequently refer to people or situations as Gas. Funny is referred to as gas in Irish slang. Hows she cutting? Not sure if it will help. For example: 'Will you put the bins out later?' 'Yeah, grand.' It is also the. Not to be confused with deadlys actual meaning of dangerous. Meaning: (Noun) The Irish slang yer man is usually a male person who you dont remember or have forgotten the name of. But in Irish slang, savage means outstanding or amazing. Catch yourself on . Dont get confused with it being a person, for locals are always using this term. Raging An Irish expression means someone is angry or disappointed with themselves. Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish says youre jammy, he or she means you are lucky. Hes going home to a tongin from the wife. For instance, Dont worry about it; its great., Up to 90 means completely occupied with something. Example: Theres a long line at the jacks. It's worth noting that when someone says that they're 'grand', they may not necessarily be so. It is a book containing the gallows speeches from over 100 offenders. Many of the words below were unfamiliar to me as well, but Ive included them in a section specifically for slang used in Belfast. Meaning: (Expression) Its rotten is another way of saying its raining in Ireland. That lad keeps texting me, for instance. Up to 90 If you hear someone say she was up to 90 it usually means the person was busy or run ragged doing things. Meaning: You're a disgrace Example of usage and translation: "Oh my god, she was an absolute state. Example: This party is dryshite. The most comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Slang. For instance, Shite, store the cans. There are two peelers approaching from that direction. The term is commonly used as an insult in Ireland. Lets go on a picnic! Why? Get up the yard 13. Donkey's Years. Its gas! For instance, I observed you conversing with him for about four hours. Did you throw up? Youre a savage! Meaning: (Expression) Sound, in Ireland, is an affirmative response to something a person says. It means good.. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Meaning: (Verb) Irish people use the word slagging when describing a person making fun of another person. In Ireland, we discuss the weather a lot. Shes cutting how? Well, no need to reach for your Irish language dictionary just yet. If a teenager says theyve a free gaff it usually means their parents are away/out and a party may ensue. Meaning: (Noun) An eejit is a person who acts stupid or is just a plain idiot. Here are some Irish slang terms for both favorable and unfavorable weather. Sure look, what can ye do? is one example. For instance, Shite man, Im late. Howaya! . Going on the lash Means going on a pub crawl, going for as many alcoholic drinks it takes to get drunk. Youll hear this phrase frequently when people are describing people they dont like. It even includes a guide to reading between the lines of what the Irish are really saying when they address you read it carefully! Here are some more typical expressions using Irish slang words, from the messages to jammy.. Youll have a good idea of the kinds of slags that Irish people hurl at each other if youve read our comprehensive guide to Irish insults. I loved this article, thank you! Broke: Embarrassed. Here are 20 Northern Irish phrases and what they mean in plain English. Example: Do what you want; Im up to 90 today. She has fluted. It wasnt until after I used it in a sentence and a friend from the UK commented that he didnt understand what I was talking about when we first met. Bollocks/bollix Can be used instead of saying bullshit. Use with caution as these Irish slang phrases can range from mild to offensive. For instance, Got food at that Indian restaurant. Meaning: (Noun) A young wan is Irish slang word for a young lady, maybe a teenager. Cath is an Irish expat now living in Portugal. Meaning: (Noun) In Ireland, the word tool is used to calling a person who you dont like. We all know that our conversational tone has been hit with the Hiberno-English brush where the construction of sentences comes more from the Gaeilge. Any type of alcohol-free beverage is called minerals in Ireland. Shes up there giving out to Tony about something, for instance. Moderate precipitation. You could say, Here, pass me that yoke there on the counter, or you could call someone annoying, That yoke over there.. My advice is not to use them unless you are certain of their meaning and the situation is appropriate. For instance, What an eejit, he used cooking oil on the lettuce thinking it was salad dressing.. Locked. It was definitely Colin, for instance. Gas If an Irish person says Thats gas, they are not referring to an actual gas, they mean something is funny! Can you still walk? Meaning: (Noun) The term oul fella is an older man. Bang on is another example of Irish slang for good and is typically used as a response. Many of us in Ireland use slang terms so frequently that we forget they are slang. That yung wan 18. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish slang words, the term eat the head off is used when someone is furious with another person. The TV is banjaxed simply means its not working. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish sayings, the word craic means the news, gossip, joke, or scoop spread by the word of mouth. Sound A word that can often be used instead of grand or okay. After everything I have done for you! Give it a lash This is used to tell someone to give it a go, try it, give it a whirl. If she thinks five is not enough, shell repeat it. Example: Its been a bad dose since morning. Add your Slang. We only had a few shots of whiskey. Shut your bake, you clown, for instance. . Lovely to hear our Celtic ties are still going strong with us using many of the same terms. For example, if my son spills milk because he is not being careful pouring it, youll often hear me say Jesus, Mary and Joseph, can you watch what youre doing!. First, check out this brief guide to 10 of the more common words that may trip up the unsuspecting traveller. . Grand : good / okay. He is an absolute melter. Meaning: (Greeting) Howsagoin' is an Irish greeting when two people come across each other but dont have time to talk. Meaning: (Expression) Its pissing down is a term used in Ireland when its a rainy day. Shes a wagon! Meaning: (Expression) The expression quality means that something is good or made in great condition. So much so that I always thought that they WERE Scots. Example: Hey! Example: We were hammered last night, but I loved every minute of it! Ive missed you so! Im sure you two will get along. For instance, Last night, her new fella was here. Ah bollix can also be used if you have forgotten something or done something wrong. Pronounced as ki-togue, it is an Irish slang that usually refers to a left-handed person. For instance, Oh well! She was down here last Sunday, for instance. Janie (mac) An expression to denote shock or exasperation. Example: Shell never find a man. Irish slang is a rich verbal tradition rooted in the hard and hearty struggles of the Irish people, who are predominantly Celtic in ethnicity. Bloody Can be used instead of the f-word or its connotations above. Example: Go and bollox if you think you can get me to agree with you. Meaning: Stop acting upNote: Most often said by ones mother, it basically means stop doing what youre doing right now, or suffer the consequences. This is said often in my area of Dublin as a bit of humour. Another gender-specific word that is somewhat offensive is this one. Ive never heard some of these terms before! This place is kip! Fooling and messing around. Example: Dont be skeptical. Sure, yer one was caught shifting yer man last week, for instance. Hes sound means hes alright as a person. Rainey weather type. Something that is dirty is referred to as manky. Irish people will say, Fair play, when they want to congratulate someone. You may hear people saying hes an awful dryshite. Meaning: (Expression) The Irish phrase give it a lash is used to encourage a person to pursue something or give it a go.. She might get upset even if its only a joke. Meaning: (Expression) The expression good woman is an exclamation used when a person is surprised or in disbelief. You pup : You brazen individual. Example: Dont forget your raincoat and boots. This one hasnt been used very frequently lately. Example: Wow, a promotion sounds good. Nobody knows when the rain will stop in Ireland. Yer man over there (with pointing or nodding of the head) This indicates that man over there. Meaning: (Expression) The expression the craic was 90 means that a person is having an exceptionally good time. The weather is fine. one who is uninteresting. One more gentle one. Buzzing: Very happy. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. The words Class and Pure are frequently used together. For instance, All those guys do is sit around and play Xbox. They are two dryshitters. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This guide to Irish slang words and phrases, insults, and expressions will assist you in deciphering some of what the locals are saying while in Ireland. Your email address will not be published. Sure you know yourself A confirmation of knowledge or unspoken acknowledgement about something or a situation. In Irish slang, people who live in the countryside are called culchie.. Give it a lash! , It is referred to as a yoke to describe the object. Meaning: (Phrase) When you hear someone say sure look, it means it is what it is or a person is bored but does not want to talk more. . For a personge to be alright, good, and fair dinkim. I am not familiar with any books. These 9 Will Climb Your Bucket List, The 6 Celtic Nations Around the World and What Makes Them Different, This Airport Security Scanner Could End Carry-On Liquid Restrictions, The 6 Flags of the Celtic Nations and the Meaning Behind Each Design, Stay Like Royalty at These Airbnb Ireland Castle Rentals, This Guide To Irish Gaelic Will Help You Charm the Locals in One of the Worlds Oldest Languages, The 10 Most LGBTQ-Friendly Cities inEurope, These Dublin Food Tours Showcase Irish Cuisine at Its Finest, The 16 Most Stunning Hotel Pools Around theWorld, Download the Meaning: (Noun) Latchio is a form of derogatory word used for a male person with a low social status. Youre one can short of six. He already tried to trick me. How many years has it been since we saw each other? Every day, I use slang. Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station?" = "Oh my god, she was a disgrace. Example: Nice one! Meaning: (Noun) Even though Ireland seems to only have vast fields and beautiful views, they also have cities. Take a look below! Although craic generally refers to fun, there are several other ways to use it, as with many Irish slang terms. Hold on for a moment, and Ill pass it to you right away! Another lovely Irish expression is banjaxed. Example: You were flutered last night, werent ya? Example: Youre acting like a goon! Join the I Left My Heart in Ireland in Our Community on Facebook. Meaning: (Noun) A chancer is a person who takes a chance on anything, especially when theres an opportunity for him or her to become successful. For instance, Cmon. We should go outside and get some fresh air. Meaning: (Noun) A pox is a slang used in Ireland for a person who causes nuisance. No need to be embarrassed. See good, sound, sound as. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish slang, the word clown is a person who is silly and loves to joke all the time. Example: Hey, young wan! For our American readers, let me clarify that when we say dope in Ireland, we dont mean anything illegal. Meaning: (Noun) Midden was originally a Scottish word that later on was used to call an unattractive person from Ireland. He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. Top 10 Foods in Hawaii You Must Try 2023, [Best Hawaiian Songs] 20+ Most Famous Hawaiian Songs You Need to Hear (2023), Moving to Scotland & Pros and Cons of Living in Scotland, Dos and Donts in Hawaii Planning A Trip to Hawaii 2023, Top 8 Munich Attractions Every Local is Proud Of, Things Not To Do in Melbourne 13 Mistakes Tourists Make, The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Netherlands 2023, 12 Most Beautiful Small Towns in Hawaii 2023, The History of Scottish Clans & 10 Most Common Scottish Surnames, [Hawaiian Beaches] 21 Best Beaches in Hawaii for a Memorable Trip 2023, [Hawaii Must Do] 21 Best Things To Do in Hawaii 2023. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase Lob the gob is Irish slang for kissing.. Its a grand day for drying This term is used to describe a day in which you can hang your clothes out on the washing line and get them dry. In reality, it can describe anything. Used when it is raining especially hard outside. Therefore, Ireland has been one of the most recommended destinations for people who love to travel and explore the world. Dose Means a case of illness. have you no shame?! When someone says Sure look in response to your question while you are conversing, they usually mean it is what it is. Nevertheless, it might also mean that the person youre speaking to is either uninterested in what youre saying or is unsure of how to react. Stop acting the maggot. To slag someone is to mock them. Example: Theres no place for a latchio here! Tame. I hope youre only making it up. One who resides in a far-off area of Ireland is referred to as a culchie. Anyone who lives outside of Dublin is typically referred to as A culchie by Dubliners. A place where members can be honest with each other, share their stories and travel photos, and try out a new way to see Ireland together. He made a right bags of that. These cookies do not store any personal information. If something is inferior or ugly, you cannot change it into something of value or attractive. Meaning: (Noun) A mot is a Dublin word that is used as slang for a girlfriend. Posted at 16:45h in lucia marisol williams by colin mclean where is he now. Example: Thats so funny. Gobshite An Irish slang word for fool, eejit, stupid person. This Irish slang has been used for years. My stomach hurts so badly. That is fatal. Kip This Irish slang word has two meanings. Such as, Ross, ya pox! For example, its bloody freezing means it is really, really cold. Wee - our favourite word Maybe they are culchie. Example: Wow, you are a ciotog. I thought they were sold out, Savage, man. There are only a few left-handed people compared to right-handed people even today. Example: Why are you with that geebag? Meaning: (Noun) The term bog is an Irish word for people of the lowest class. Example: Im not in the mood to go out. For example, that yoke over there means that thing over there but can also mean that person over there. Example: Why are going out with a midden? This Irish proverb seemed to make perfect sense to me, but apparently not. . This term, which is pronounced Flue-tered, designates a person who has consumed more alcohol than 9 pints. This is yet another mild example of Irish slang for someone you dont particularly like. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. For instance, Thanks a million makes no sense to non-Irish people (at least, thats what my non-Irish friends tell me!). Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. Thank you. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. Jammy essentially means good fortune. In other words, a messer. Giving out Means someone is complaining about someone or something. Meaning: (Noun) Gowl is another word for eejit that is used as an insult in Ireland. For more information read our privacy policy. For instance, He had three bottles of Coke and a bag of Skittles an hour ago; hes been on high doh ever since.. For instance, Mam made you some dinner. Later, Ill drop it off. Example: Lets go home. She only needed four years. Manky Used to describe something that is dirty, horrible, ugly or disgusting. He thought I was trying to get his attention, even though I already had it. The Jacks An Irish slang word for the toilet. 25. It can also sometimes be used instead of thanks. It is often used sarcastically. Translation: Im not planning on getting absolutely hammered, but one might very well turn into 15. Simply means whats happening. I will, yeah This has the opposite meaning to what is implied. Its often called squash or cordial in other countries. See how hes pulling a beamer. Did you see what she posted on Facebook? is an illustration. Irish slang words and meanings Eejit - This is probably one of the most commonly used Irish slang terms that I know of. A person who is able to shape circumstances to their advantage is referred to as a cute hoor because they are relatively crafty. My stomach thinks my throats been cut An Irish slang phrase to indicate you are hungry. You could say some of these Irish funny phrases are gas. Irish mammies say this when children are not paying attention or dont hear them and implies there is enough dirt in their ears, preventing them from listening, to grow potatoes. When you arrive in Ireland, particularly for the first time, you may be forgiven for thinking youve landed on an alien planet. Buncrana: A popular holiday destination. Dope is another word for a stupid person in Ireland. 5863 Irish Slang Words, 20 Famous Funny Irish Sayings to Get You Laughing, [Ireland Attractions] Top Places to Visit in Ireland in 2023, Four Countries With A GREEN WHITE ORANGE Flag (and their meanings), Is Wicklow Worth Visiting? A lot of the time, when Im speaking to someone who isnt Irish, I forget that the words Im using are actually slang. Note: A lie. I clipped the wing mirror off the pillar yesterday, as an illustration. We actually do not want a casual acquaintance arriving on our doorstep expecting to be put up and shown the town. Meaning: (Expression) Go and bollox is the Irish way of saying you are not agreeing with what a person is saying to you. They are not real. I legged it for the bus means I ran for the bus. sound out irish slang 05 Jun. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. I got my fair share of strange looks when I said certain things during my time there. For instance, Last night, the pub was jam-packed with culchies.. We dont want him to see all these drinks. Meaning: (Noun) A scut is a person who is deemed as stupid or a waste. Example: Good woman! This expression means that he or she is truly and deeply thankful for the help he or she received. We listed all of them in alphabetical order and provided you with examples for each slang. It's baltic - commonly heard in winter 19. Required fields are marked *. Youre jammy to find it again. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase bang on is used as a response when someone is asking how you are. An Irish proverb that expresses approval of behavior is nice one. Such as, Ah, nice one! Giving out literally translates as to whine. Example: What were you thinking when you joined them? The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. In this case it is a vague answer of itll be ok. Same as whats the story. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. When describing a severe case of something, one might say, Ive been lashing out on the tablets all week. This has not been good at all. What a complete jerk. . It makes for a good conversation starter and is frequently up for discussion in both bars and retail establishments. Meaning: (Phrase) One of the Irish phrases that are popular anywhere in Ireland is Up to 90, which means a person is extremely busy and cannot be bothered. Dye see yer wan over there with the red hat? is one example. It can also be used to indicate someone is irritated or angry. Example: You were in a heap last night! When referring to someone whose name you do not know or who you do not like, the phrase Yer wan or Your one is used. You look well! rinnai condensate drain installation Likes. Example: I cant believe you turned into a hallion! OTool assigned us enough math homework to last about seven weeks. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase one can short of six means that a person is not thinking straight or is not fully present in a certain situation. Broke to the bone: Hugely embarrassed. For instance, use your umbrella to Gway out of that. Meaning: (Expression) The expression whats the craic? is when a person asks you how you are. Give me a try is an additional option. Its lashing outside and well surely get wet even if we use an umbrella. Do you mean to say Susans here? Will you wait for me in this spot? Youve been warned! Hes a shnakey little shitehawk, that man. In Ireland, there are literally countless ways to describe someone we dont like. Bang on is a way to describe a person or a circumstance. Example: You were with him all night and all you did was lob the gob? Example: This ice cream is just class. Meaning: (Adjective) Dead on is a phrase used when a person is hot or good-looking.