Still later that day, she got offended at some trivial thing and decided that we weren't going anywhere at all. Here is the sum total of my group's work. People just don't realize that their almonds and mixed nuts may be having depression and other problems. I HAVE POWERS PINTO BEANS CAN ONLY DREAM OF! So, everyone went to the beach and got tans. So rather than battle her over the concept of getting dressed in the dark, I get up. After all, I'm not in this line of buisness for the fame, fortune and power. First of all, you'd have to have an extrodinary amount of free time. Now THAT'S just weird. Unfortuantly, we had already driven 337 miles toward our destination. We believe that this is the longest single sentence in . So if you have an infinite number of people, some are going to have entire books of coherent stuff. THANKS FOR COMING! Some even go so far as to claim that Kodak "changed" the pictures of the assasination to make an assasination in the bushes become a tree's shadow. about my site, and called me weird. I'm back. And then I'll be writing for me again. Josh says I probably won't remember writing any of this, but I can't sleep. Immediatly, my mother started complaining. That made little sense. People need to make the time to waste time. Why are you afraid of little ol' me? We got to go to a bar and play pool!!!!! Men, of course, had no complaints. Now who's the crazy one? If the universe is infinite it would be crazy to think that we're alone. Anyway, only watch wal-mart if you WANT to be subliminaly entertained into purchasing a new set of TUPERWARE, even though your old set is PERFECTLY fine. You expect far to much of the inanimate world. I'm backit's been awhile since I've written here. One day I was randomly looking up images via Googleand 'lo and behold, there it was. AhhhI see your confusion! I'll add a link to the main page when I get around to it. This is going to be a WORLD RECORD! Which I suppose may be a good thing, seeing as how I'm currently in a Longest Text Ever Rivalry with Galaxy Dreamer's site. Now her sister sounds an alarm whenever she sees the evil feather. World's largest sentence - Copypasta We never spam. An enemy so terrifying that Moose cannot stop shaking. It feels unstoppable, and then it stops. Who am I kidding. I ended up writing things during the time of night when EVERYTHING is hilarious, including the word sheep. 189,819 Letters Yes, that number is correct. And you probably suspect that it is something pathetic. I would be. I think. And now, a word from our non-existant sponsor. WHAT!? Wellit's not. Somehow, I managed to make my furby die. It just seems extremly weird (and worthy of mentioning) that this semi-important guy from Kansas believes in a "vast breakfast food conspiracy". Some are answers to e-mails, the rest are just stuff I wrote. Oh, who am I kidding. How could I forget the stupid Tootsie Roll Pop Commercials? Because I have nothing else to do right now. ` My mother visited relatives. This would have resulted in the deaths of numerous pedistriansand I would still probably be wondering around in search of a McDonalds. To support Open Cultures educational mission, please consider, When William Faulkner Set the World Record for Writing the Longest Sentence in Literature: Read the 1,288-Word Sentence from, 100+ Online Degree & Mini-Degree Programs. Soair pressure can be a good thing. I need to find a topic. Now, I'm not speaking from personal experience here. Maybe. When I tried to talk to him, he tossed it away nonchalantly and pretended he hadn't heard me. The previous sentence made absolutly no sense. May your day be shiney! Have you ever had the evil pop-up that says that if you click here, it'll get rid off all the annoying pop-ups? What kind of reasoning is that? They're basically begging on the street. Nor can I find it on any search engines. They avoided the sun at all costs. well never know but oh crap its starting to snow and its time to show and tell about the well that you found last summer at camp when it was damp it was near the ramp oh god why must this be I liked that tree but now its gone, farewell so long Ill miss you as long as you write but then Im afraid to say good-night. Anyway, seeya! Read that onetime longest sentence in literature, all 1,288 words of it, below. BBC - Radio4 - Today/Longest Sentence Or perhaps not. Pastebin . Was it on purpose, or was it just some mistake? i'm back. That's is just so extremly creepy. Fortunatly, my mom recently finnaly switched our snack food preference. That was sort of a topic, even though it was sort of random. I probably won't later. The Longest Sentence In The English Language in Books, Literature, Writing | March 14th, 2019 30 Comments. I don't care if I'd get home only an hour or so before I normaly do. You exploud. It sucks. Okay. Either way, he got assasinated. I can even see the shadow of my hand on the wall from the light those things shed. I came up with this philosophy when I was in fifth grade. Makes you wonder about "reality" television, huh? But the secret doesn't exist so they are stupid. This is the LONGEST TEXT EVER! While you wait for yesterday's tomorrow, lunge back and remember that day. Number Nine: Now it's just getting redundant, isn't it? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Image by Carl Van Vechten, via Wikimedia Commons. The foil will make up the beak and the folded legs, and the thruster can simulate the tail. I for one, didn't know about such dire consequences for not deliberatly failing classes. Of course, when I started out I accidentally hit the rocks approximately three million times. Or maybe the Energizer Bunny. 2023 Long Paragraphs for Her Copy and Paste - Limitlesso I know, unlikely, huh? And let me tell you, it's an outrage. The events of Neo's dream unfold. The Official FLaming-Chickens Handbook already confirms that fact! UnfortunantlyI must leavebefore the confusion spreads and I do something stupidlike revealing my one weakness before youTHAT'S IT! It's just a matter of degree. You see, my school has "block" scheduling. And that's just what I can list from memory. Although I can't see why you care, because there is a large probability that you do not exist, because I don't think anyone is reading this anymore. What does this mean to you? "Meg" wrote it for a school assignment. Even though my schedule is technically supposed to be completly differnt. This means that we only have a very short while to prepare. It only takes me a few minutes to get ready, then I can go back to bed. So, it is now up to you, the imaginary reader, to decide whether I mean probley or problemit's almost like a game! She didn't think it was weird, either. I know this is the best site ever, thanks for the compliment! Instead they appear to be a nuclear armagedon in the form of a fifth grader. Not my family! He goes for Trinity, makes it just in time to catch her body, and starts her heart back up. Well, I dont want to organize this page, in any manner. Parents would buy their children computers, video games and other television neccesities. He can deactivate the machines, (squidies) but at great personal cost. Get the best cultural and educational resources delivered to your inbox. This is chaos. You gots extra money, don't you? I finnaly get some free time to rant and rave and all my topics just magically melted away. I'd tell it to my little brother as a bed time story. I have neither won nor lost money/neopoints. The world of literature is full of examples of sprawling monologues and multi-line descriptions, but it was American writer William Faulkner who was featured in the 1983 Guinness Book of World Records for his lengthy passage from his 1936 book, Absalom, Absalom! If I did, would I stop this? You're only browsing it. I just thought that I might like to mention that. Are you tired. Come on everyone, group hug. WE have been having very profound thoughts lately. BoyI really enjoy confusing myself! I tried to explain. Which is exactly what it gets. Can a senile person write? And the lady representing them, calls the radio stationon a phone. Keep pressing it. You KNOW I ran out of imaginary money last week when I bought that imaginary country. My little, eviler sister got her ears pierced when she was relativly younger. Yea*waits for applause* okay! And you, the potentially non-existant reader gets a once in a lifetime chance to hear me rant and rave about my Horrible, Horrible Family Vacation. This naturally alarmed the HECK out of me! Or have I been doing that too much lately? Anyway, sorry for the lack of relative weirdness, conspiracy theories and doughnuts (my Moose ate them all). Wouldn't pure water TASTE pure, and impure water TASTE impure? Time for another quote from the FLAMING CHICKEN HANDBOOK!!! Wellany wayseeya! Her enemy is a fake Yorkshire Terrior (same species as her) made entirely out of goat hair. Especially since I just saw The Matrix: Reloaded. CAT CHOW!!! Never mind. Okay. VisitMy Modern Met Media. Such proofs often use computational proof methods and may be considered non-surveyable . It's pushing down on me, squishing my spine. Then I wait for my mom and dad to stop playing Collapse II so that I can get on. What's the Longest Word in the World? Here are 12 of Them - Mental Floss Or maybe not. I've done what I've set out to accomplish. Before we knew it, we were on the road. Longest Word in English (189,819 Letters) a guest . (and redundancy!) Or suffer my blindingly moronic nail messages. I've been a paranoid, conspiracy seeking mood lately and the newest threat to my sanity is: smoke detectors! In otherwords, she's a small yappy dog who is big for her breed. In return for not taking the easy route, he gains a power in the more or less real world. Though the record has been broken, Faulkner's legacy lives on. 1,288 words and many clauses make up the lengthy run-on phrase. 51 min ago NO, wait. I think. I'm leaving nowI have some destruction to do. What is the longest sentence in English literature? - Fun Trivia It was fairly fun. I usually have less than 30 minutes. Remember, e-mail the much needed suppliesif that is possible. My brother(age 13) even decided upon a new job he wants when he's old enough to work, a busboy at the bar. I SEE YOUR GAME! Since I have a rather weird phobia of touching my own skinthis made my evening my own personall torture session. Obviously not. What an eccentric idea! There were many people that were the same age as me and my siblings (no one in the room but us were under 30) Us kids had to be dragged kicking and screaming from the bar ( I almost fell asleep during the last game I watched) As we left, there was a feeling of goodwill and fellowship between all(my sister locked me out of the car and wouldn't let me in untill I started yelling profanity in her general direction) The high point of the entire night was when my mother gave me $21 for my report card. I don't think I have any conspiracy theoriesexcept pop-ups/pop-unders. (Actually I just question them untill they spontaneously combust, I ask lots of questions) So, in conclusion, ladies and gentleman of the jury(that's you) I could not have possibly tortured "Mr. Owl" to death. Mark Virtue's Sentence That's why I like fast-food salt. At least her's makes sensesort of. Another article claims that an anitseptic turned a polar bear purple, drawing large crowds of people. Oh, and all those weird squiggly lines and symbols, those are supposed to be apostrophes, but neopet's code is weird, and I'm not gonna bother to edit it. I'm a genius. First devised by professor William J. Rapaport in 1972, this notorious sentence plays on reduced relative clauses, different part-of-speech readings of the same word, and center embedding. Sofor the first time in about 5 yearsI wore a dressand something that was complelty white. Number Ten: This is the list that never ends. The following is an extremely weird poem-thingy that I wrote when I was in a relatively weird mood: never mind that noise my dear can anyone pass the cheese only if you say pretty please oh, boy do I have to sneeze. My groupwellwe either went hysterical or crazy, I can't decide which. It tooked about envelooping (enveloping) cracked nuts and parables. Is this eating up time? Yes, it goes on and on my friend. I can just see it nowIt could be called Know-Your-Food. You can read a little each day. I took a whole bunch of personality quizzes and posted them there. So crazy it just might work! For instance, I wrote: "I am the Crazy Taco! I'm backand it's several hours later. Is this writer's block?! (on accident, vast number of times) Hee-Hee! The reason I have to get up at 6 something is that III ride the bus to school. I'm back. Then I realized that the buldozer already HAD been invented. Of course, if everything is realthen the Universe is pretty contradictory. Maybe she just doesn't like goat-smell. 4. Her first guess was enslaved africans. At least it's over. AND THAT IS WHY TOASTER PASTRIES WILL BURST INTO FLAMES IF YOU DON'T KEEP AN EYE ON THEM! *cheesy super-hero voice* Well, fear not, random citizen, for I, PSOPC am here! If I were to suddenly convert this entrie site into a *shudders* Backstreet Boys fan site or something, you wouldn't be any more suprised than I would be if my brother woke up one day and suddenly realized that he's shallow. UNDER SUCH EXTREME HEAT, WEAR AND DEGRADATION IS INEVITABLE!! You say I'm really just talking to myself? If you can sleep through a raging fire, close enough to set off the smoke detector, then you are definitly going to sleep through the smoke detector. Jesus Christ is my lord and savior.You guys probably think that that is the worlds longest sentence, but it's not,because I just keep on adding commas, and it's pretty easy, if you think about it, so anyway there is this girl at school and she's my friend, and all but she's turning . Whole families would gather around their front door, in breathless anticipation while they attempted to barracade me out. Should you violate this right, you will become destroyed or possibly dizzy. Okay. Or he can try to save Trinity and doom mankind. What a good idea! This sentence makes strategic use of the past perfect, two times. The paradox of my system of beliefs leads me to believe that the universe, in fact, is not infinite. Right now, I have another twenty minutes on the Internet before I'm gonna watch T.V. Which means that it doesn't matter if you understand anything I say. But I HATE spending three hours of every day in a "class" when everyone else's class is only an hour and a half. (To this day, however, I will almost literally kill for a box of Cheez-It party mix, as it is a rare commodity at my house.) Here, see if you can find the super-secret message! After a horrific chain of events (is it coincidence, or fate) the people who will deactivate the secondary power source of the building Neo is infiltrating, die.