Tonight, Pablo remains at the Emergency Specialty Hospital. I did sleep in the crate my first 2 weeks because I must have felt safe there but the door was always open and I went in there all by myself but then I learned that she would let me lie down on all the furniture whenever I want to. Once the heartworms are gone, she will undergo surgery for spay and removal of some mammary tumors. Missy is a very chill girl. Brooks will be a loving companion especially for someone who is retired or works from home. | Privacy and Terms, Post as a guest by filling out the fields below or. In the morning Pablo was rushed to another emergency facility where an emergency ultrasound could be performed. He was hit by a car. She will go outside when you take her. color. I'm an excellent eater. Just got Brooks about a week ago from the Killeen Animal Shelter. Her emotional state is an area for growth. united yorkie rescue leesburg, fl united yorkie rescue leesburg, fl She's got some medical needs, so if you can find it in your heart and budget to help get this little love back to health so she can live a happy life, she sure would be grateful! If the vet team needs to do surgery on Monday, that will be another expense for this little guy plus continued support in the hospital. United Yorkie Rescue, Inc. was founded on August 5, 2002, by a group of loyal and hard-working rescue friends. Initial Bio 1/29/23: Toby, the Ultimate Cuddle Bug, is an Owner surrender due to his owner's travel requirements. We like the personal touch. I love to be outside with the dogs that live here. His CBC showed a seriously high white count indicating a major infection and he was started on IV antibiotics. For five days, Baby Pablo fought back like a Tiny Prize Fighter, refusing to let go of his life. Brooks is not truly socialized yet; however, he is slowly coming out of his shell and will let me love on him at times. 1/29/23 Update: Last week after we returned from Sherman's vet visit, he had a bundled gift from the wonderful volunteers at Wrapped in Love waiting for him on our door step a beautiful blanket and toy bear both embroidered with Sherman. UYR rescued 14 breeder surrenders in the first week of January. She seems to hear and has been going potty on pee pads in the house. Round two is scheduled for Feb. 27th and 28th. I pretty much think I'm one of the big dogs around here following them around, stealing the best dog bed first really they're all lovely and we all get along great (even the cats! Pablo was immediately placed on IV glucose, broad spectrum antibiotics, and fluids in a frantic attempt to save his life. Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless you all! I have taken her out to dog friendly places and she has done well. During that time, Bella lost several pounds and is feeling so much better. He had a visit to his dogter on January 5th to have exam and complete lab work up and he is heart worm negative He has his dental surgery the last week of January. His is an older guy so his vision is low but he loves, loves to snuggle. Daveys prescription food is not cheap and while we have Davey stable and doing very well, he could still use our support. Turns out I've got what they call Cushings. Davey will continue to be monitored by the vet and stay on his special prescription diet for the reminder of his life. Search filters. She loves being held and snuggling with her foster mom. Izzy is a pure bred Yorkie that was purchased from a breeder when she was 8 weeks old by a couple that loved her. United Yorkie Rescue in Miami, Florida was founded in 2002. This rescue hasn't posted any pets that match these criteria. ADOPT 19112700204 ~ Yorkie Rescue ~ Leesburg, FL FYR a designated 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization. I have some great days and then I have some not so great days. Dog adoption and cat adoption saves lives. Her vision is low but she sees the Vet Ophthalmologist about every two months to have her eyes checked and get medicine to help her produce tears since she has dry eyes. A very special lady with Wrapped in Love:artisans with a mission hand crafted me my own very special blanket and even put my name on it. Due to my past experiences I must be adopted to a household where all the children are over the age of 12. United Arab Emirates; Vanuatu; Vietnam; Wallis and Futuna; Yemen; PUPPIES. I also have likely infections of my eyes, ears, and skin. He came to us off of the streets and was so badly matted that he had to be shaved completely, which he took like a champ. To date we have rescued: 3972 Yorkies and Yorkie mixes. United Yorkie Rescue appreciates all the donations made to help this guy live out his life happy and healthy. You can go to our website at to make a donation for Davey. All adopters must be 25 years of age. We consolidated our efforts and talents to form a family dedicated to the rescue and well being of the Yorkshire Terrier. Over the past few days, we have come to know that Wally must have been a loved and cherished family member. United Yorkie Rescue, Inc. was founded on August 5, 2002, by a group of loyal and hard-working rescue friends. First, she was abandoned at the veterinary clinic. Thanks to UYR, tonight Wally will begin his Rescue Journey, as he receives a much-needed bath, fills his belly, and rests in a quiet home, cuddled up in a clean, soft bed, far away from the terrifying sounds of the shelter and in the arms of his new loving foster family. The discoloration around her eyes and loss of eyelashes is a condition we are not certain of as yet, and we hope the pigmentation issues can be reversed. 2/5/23 Update: Bella is stable and works hard to keep up with the pack since her vision is so low. He gets along well with all his foster siblings and is incredibly gentle, sweet, and loving to his foster parents. Holly loves to go outdoors on the leash for a walk. Poor Cash came to us on 02/24/2023 from a shelter after being treated at an emergency room for a broken left leg. Were just getting to know each other so you will see an updated biography in the future. Use the DONATE link below this bio content and thank you as always for your help. Even though Bella has a hard time seeing, her sister stays close and Bella knows her way around the house and yard. Dogs -- 95.00 Her mom passed away due to cancer she was on hospice when she reached out for United Yorkie Rescue to take Missy to find her the perfect home. Although his WBC is still slightly elevated, we are at 18,000!!! We still need your help and ask that you consider giving to United Yorkie Rescue. United Yorkie Rescue, Inc. was founded on August 5, 2002, by a group of loyal and hard-working rescue friends. Banjo would like a home where he is the only dog, he isnt very nice to other dogs that are in his space. He is on a medication for kidney disease and minor heart murmur. He is very active and would love a fenced yard where he can run and play. We look forward to providing an update on Vinny next week! He is happy, healthy and a typical dog enjoying his life from the comfort of foster moms lap. 2/22/23 Update: Sully has made great strides in his time in his foster home. Updated bio 1/12/2023: Tammy has to be the happiest little pup ever! Help us welcome Nestor aka Nessy, a 10 year old, 6lb Yorkie boy. Holly and Noel need an adult home with lots of love and attention. Love, Tammy. She doesn't like leash walking not because she doesn't like the leash but she doesn't like anyone behind her. We really need your help financially to continue to treat Davey. Navigation Menu. It is non-binding, but it is often the best way to start meaningful communication with each foster parent. I have so much to say and tell everyone. Please stay tuned while his foster family and Tiny get to know one another and watch for an updated biography in the future. Phone: 352-259-7841. We guarantee it! But we are working on training him to go outside and the other pups are helping. I have not been around cats but because I want to chase everything it is probably not a good idea. I will need a very secure back yard and I will dart out a door before you know it so FM thinks I might be a runner. Pablo was a dying 6mth old puppy when his journey first began, and here we are approaching his 1yr Birthday on the 31st and how blessed is he!! If you would like to learn more and join this amazing and supportive group, visit their Facebook page at and the website, where all the pledging is done, at She has not been around children since Ive had her, but she needs to be in a home with no small children. We were THRILLED to learn that his patellas are normal and strong! When someone is breeding puppies or breeding kittens, they are creating new dogs and cats who need homes. IF you feel you would be the perfect fit for this sweet girl please fill out an application. He is pretty laid back and docile, and very gentle around my other dogs. She is slowly settling into her foster home, and each day trusts her foster mom a tiny bit more. It is UYR's mission to get the perfect home for our beloved Yorkshire Terriers. Yorkshire Terrier Puppies for Sale near Leesburg, Florida, USA, Page 1 If you'd like to meet me, send an email to Dont miss out on this sweet baby. Since Diana also has severe trachea problems, we were also hesitant to put her under anesthesia for any surgery, as it can complicate her medical condition. His RBC is also normalizing along with every value on this baby's panel. Tara May loves playing with other dogs her size, and will probably do best in a home with another smallish dog(s). This sweet boy has been living in a kennel outdoors and went without enough meals and treats for some time. All of these babies needed and have received their Rabies, DHAPP, Bordatella, fecals, HW and tick borne disease testing, urinalysis, blood work, spay and neuters, dentals as their normal vetting. We don't know much about her yet. As you can see we are very busy with this New Year and these new babies and must beginning. He may be just a little spoiled but he has earned every hug and kiss he gets. Cash came into rescue Friday due to a shelter reaching out because he has a broken left leg and needs special care to get all healed up to find him the best home. These hunting dogs could penetrate into badger and fox burrows. Yorkie Rescue of America is a 501 (c) 3 that rescues Yorkshire Terriers from shelters, as well as We are a small rescue group in the south Florida area, we adopt with in a 3 hour drive time from We rescue, foster and care for Yorkies until an appropriate new forever home can be found. In that moment I just knew that my luck had changed and my FUTURE was now BRIGHT! Little Davey has dropped from 7 pounds to 4 pounds and his kidney function has declined over the past two years. Wally is scheduled for his neuter in early February and will be ready to go to his new Forever Home! But she will a lot of love and understanding. Ashley Aleman, Karry Rogers, David Youngblood, Marvin Hull, Elsie Solis. Davey's family has gone through enormous hardship with COVID hitting. I am currently being fostered in Liberty Hill. Once the abscess was confirmed, the hospital started Davey on IV antibiotics and hoped he might be eating by today. She is blind in the other eye. Her mom recently decided that Issy needed to be in an environment that would be better suited to her age and personality. As soon as I get my neuter (all I know is she says I need one because I am acting like a crazy boy over here trying to have fun with all the dogs here). We consolidated our efforts and talents to form a family dedicated to the rescue and well being of the Yorkshire Terrier.