Raghavan, V Gogos, G Babu, V Sundararajan, T Effect of gravity on methanol diffusion flames burning within a forced convective environment INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER JUL 2006 VL 33 IS 6 pp. 686-697.
Patel, HE Sundararajan, T Pradeep, T Dasgupta, A Dasgupta, N Das, SK A micro-convection model for thermal conductivity of nanofluids PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS NOV 2005 VL 65 IS 5 pp. 863-869.
Raghavan, V Babu, V Sundararajan, T Natarajan, R Flame shapes and burning rates of spherical fuel particles in a mixed convective environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER DEC 2005 VL 48 IS 25-26 pp. 5354-5370.
Das, SK Sundararajan, T Pradeep, T Patel, HE Comment on "Model for heat conduction in nanofluids" - Reply PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS NOV 11 2005 VL 95 IS 20 AR 209402.
Das, SK Sundararajan, T Pradeep, T Patel, HE Comment on "Model for heat conduction in nanofluids" - Reply PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS JUL 1 2005 VL 95 IS 1 AR 019402
IIT Madras,
National Centre for Combustion Research And Development.
Sponsored Projects
Automatic and Adaptive Grid Generation for Engineering Analysis Aeronautical Research & Development Board Rs. 385000 October 1995- October 1997.
High Performance Finite Element Analysis for Manufacturing Industry using Parallel Virtual Machine Environment Rs. 12,29000 Department of Science & Technology, Delhi July 1997- July 2000.
Unit on Nano Science and Technology (UNANST- DST) Rs.240 Million, Department of Science and Technology Dec, 2004 - Nov, 2009.
Industrial Projects
Testing and Calibration of Rotameters Indo Matsushita Carbon Co. Ltd. Rs. 10400 October 2002.
Fluid Mechanical Modeling of Liquid Metal Flow in a Cavity Neilsoft Limited - Pune Rs. 250000 January 2004- June 200