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NAPC - 2025

20 - 22 JANUARY, 2025 @ IIT Madras

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National Aerospace Propulsion Conference

Emerging Technologies And Systems In Aerospace Propulsion

Organized by :

National Centre for Combustion R&D (NCCRD), IIT Madras
Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Madras

Under the auspices of :

National Council for Air Breathing Engines (NCABE)

Important Dates

                                                                    17th June 2024

                                                                    10th June 2024                                                                     31st May 2024

Abstract submission deadline                    : 15th May 2024

                                                                    10th July 2024

Communication of abstract acceptance   : 15th Jun 2024

Submission of full-length paper              : 15th Sep 2024

Communication of full-paper acceptance : 15th Nov 2024

Submission of camera-ready manuscript : 15th Dec 2024