It may not display this or other websites correctly. 'A new Italian study published in the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology titled, "Levothyroxine and lung cancer in females: the importance of oxidative stress," has raised a concerning possibility: levothyroxine (T4), one of the world's most commonly prescribed forms of hormone replacement, may be raising the risk of lung cancer in millions of men and women being treated for low . J Exp Biol 2010, 213:28992911. Importance: Whether radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy for hyperthyroidism can increase cancer risk remains a controversial issue in medicine and public health. Dr Childs guesses that patients on levothyroxine monotherapy may be more prone to cancer because they might be under-treated. Tokushima J Exp Med 1991, 38:2535. Compared to patients without hypothyroidism, those with a high TSH level before hospitalization stayed in the hospital 1.2 days longer and had a 49% higher risk of 30-day readmission and a 43% . En 3 minutos recibirs en tu email COMPLETAMENTE GRATIS todo lo que necesitas para aumentar las ventas de tu empresa. PMID: 11929079, [15] Thanh D Hoang, Cara H Olsen, Vinh Q Mai, Patrick W Clyde, Mohamed K M Shakir. [12] Cesarone MR, Belcaro G, Nicolaides AN, Incandela L, De Sanctis MT, Barsotti A: San Valentino epidemiologic project. Also this study finds no link with breast cancer, when others have found a link. Medical Authoritys System Kills: FDA-Approved Dru Cognitive Impairment, Memory Loss and Alzheimer's Soy Lecithin: How It Negatively Affects Your Healt Cannabis Oil Cures Cancer -Lincoln Horsley's Story New Information Dissolves Illusions About Vaccines Grounding Helps Thin Dangerously Thick Blood and F Tart Cherries Relieve Osteoarthritis Pain, Lieberman's Massive Connections To Big Pharma, Utopian 'Harvest Your Own' Groceries Coming Up. Currently, the best practical approach is to base treatment decisions on the degree of TSH elevation, thyroid autoimmunity, and associated comorbidities. Hypothyroidism can cause depression and, without treatment, the symptoms intensify and directly affect the mental state. Whereas a patient who had suboptimal thyroid function, but did not have noticeable symptoms, is suddenly given pharmacological doses of synthetic T4 and suddenly experiences the wide range of acute, adverse health effects associated with a now hyperactive and/or increasingly disrupted thyroid, as a result. Angiology 2000, 51:S65S68. I think there is always a lot of confusion with cause and cure. [learn more: Is Drug-Based Medicine a Form of Human Sacrifice?] Post Once I got on the medication, the symptoms disappeared. Endocrinology 2008, 149:22412250. Clin Cancer Res 2011, 30:77. What I am personally saying issince I personally have a disease that may kill me, I sure as heck have every right to find out ALL I can about it. by D.ap Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:40 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited. I was sure that the paper had been discussed here shortly after publication in 2013, but cannot find the thread! [7] Kinoshita S, Sone S, Yamashita T, Tsubura E, Ogura T: Effects of experimental hyperand hypothyroidism on natural defense activities against Lewis lung carcinoma and its spontaneous pulmonary metastases in C57BL/6 mice. That's all. [15] [16] There is also the more logical option of support the body's thyroid-hormone producing capabilities using the thyroxine precursor L-tyrosine, a basic amino acid with a relatively high margin of safety. Even in the mildest form, hypothyroidism affects the heart. elevated TSH, without actually improving the overall physiological situation, nor the patient's subjective experience of well being. Finally, they pointed out that T4, which is a synthetic form of thyroid hormone, might be avoided if T3 or the desiccated pig-derived form known as Armour Thyroid was used to control the oxidative-stress producing hydroperoxides. [4] Ratcliffe JG, Stack BH, Burt RW, Radcliffe WA, Spilg WG, Cuthbert J, Kennedy RS: Thyroid function in lung cancer. El almacenamiento o acceso tcnico es necesario para la finalidad legtima de almacenar preferencias no solicitadas por el abonado o usuario. Compression of the trachea, which may be positional, can occur with nodular goiters and thyroid cancer, and the latter can metastasize to the lungs. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.'. Breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, according to GLOBOCAN. Nope. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. [6] Venditti P, Di Stefano L, Di Meo S: Oxidative stress in cold induced hyperthyroid state. Unfortunately, it's quite typical. Nah, I would give this much credence. In discussing their findings, the authors noted that they could not exclude the possibility that the condition of hypothyroidism could favor the development of lung cancer. Article published in Wakeup-World.Com. Assessment of oxidative stress and its balance has not been taken into consideration up to now as it should be.". At, we have indexed plenty of peer-reviewed research on over 30 natural substances, including nutrients and minerals, which may help to resolve low thyroid function, and conversely, over 30 unnatural substances, e.g. THEIR SINS & INIQUITIES WILL I REMEMBER NO MORE - YESHUA (JESUS CHRIST) SHARING THE GOOD NEWS AND CALLING ALL TO REPENTANCE, NEWS bible September clark project class SCOTT Russia seeking record MYSTERY Sprinkle ENDEAVOR Survivors Time Conspiracy Torah Insider Dahboo APOCRYPHILE TRUTH people american FREEDOM revelation MatITYAHU, END TIME NEWS, A CALL FOR REPENTANCE, YESHUA THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN::CHRISTIANS FOR YESHUA (JESUS)::PLAGUES, ILLNESSES, DISEASES, FAMINES, END TIME NEWS, A CALL FOR REPENTANCE, YESHUA THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN, Study: Millions Treated for Hypothyroidism At Risk for Lung Cancer, PLEASE ACCESS THE LINK TO ALL INFORMATION, MILLIONS TREATED FOR HYPOTHYROIDISM AT RISK FOR LUNG CANCER, FREEDOM FIGHTER - MILLIONS AT RISK: FUNGAL INFECTIONS ACQUIRE DRUG RESISTANCE, TOP 8 NATURAL HYPOTHYROIDISM TREATMENTS THAT REALLY WORK, THE VATICAN'S SECRET MILLIONS: POPE FRANCIS'S FINANCE MINISTER ADMITS HOLY SEE SQUIRRELLED AWAY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OFF THE BOOKS, NY TIMES COLUMN SAYS PEDOPHILES DESERVE CIVIL RIGHTS AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS, CULTURE SHOCK TV - ANN COULTER WAS TREATED DISHONORABLY BY DELTA AIRLINES ATTENDANT. Symptoms. Millions of people who were not only wrongly diagnosed with 'cancers' and subsequently aggressively treated for them with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, are now being told that they would have been better left undiagnosed and untreated. It's usually based on the results of blood tests. Thanks, I am not suggesting I believe in all that I see. I can understand why tennis 123 wrote, "I have so much to say about this I could write a book". I will respond more later onBut I will briefly say I was on Synthyroid from 1993 to 2011. I don't think so. [9] [10] [11] Although we should never forget that LT4 is a life-saving thyroid hormone replacement, and that one should not exclude that the pathological reason that leads to the prescription of LT4 could favor the lung cancer development also. Other factors that can trigger thyroid problems include: autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's or Graves' disease; thyroid surgery; radiation treatments to the neck or upper chest; and certain medications, including interferon alpha and interleukin-2 cancer medications, amiodarone . It looks at correlations, as if they had any merit on their own. weight loss, anorexia) was made many years ago together with an over production of both T4 and T3. [13] Hollowell JG, Staehling NW, Flanders WD. Curr Opin Endocrinol Diabetes Obes 2010, 17:432436. In fact, a 2004 study in subjects with normal thyroid function found that administration of tyrosine leads to a significant reduction in serum TSH and improvement in mood in winter compared with placebo, while the combined synthetic T4-T3 supplement leads to a worsening of mood in summer and no improvement in winter, indicating supporting glandular function is superior to replacement therapy, as well as the role seasonality may play in hormone function and hormone treatment interventions. [2], The observation that patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung often present symptoms suggestive of hyperthyroidism (i.e. Non-ASPS articles which could be relevant. elevated TSH, without actually improving the overall physiological situation, nor the patients subjective experience of well being. Increased sensitivity to cold. In comparison, 62.4% of female and 37% of male . I do not believe in random events, of nature or otherwise. I hope that with increased knowledge we will all find the right road. Overtreatment, of course, is the hallmark danger of overdiagnosis. Biomedicine today is awash in controversy associated with the overdiagnosis and overtreatment of asymptomatic populations. hyperthyroidism. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. In my view the paper isn't worth the pixels used to display it on a screen. Assessment of oxidative stress and its balance has not been taken into consideration up to now as it should be. The authors delved deeper into the reason why oxidative stress taking place during T4 treatment is particularly linked to lung cancer only: The hypothesis could be that in lungs the increase of hypoxia-induced factor (HIF-1) which is determined by T4 can make oxygen much more available, increasing locally the oxidative stress together with a dangerous angiogenesis stimulation. Acta Endocrinol 1988, 118:460464. A new study has uncovered a link between the synthetic thyroid hormone (trade name Synthroid) used to treat millions diagnosed with hypothyroidism and lung cancer, bringing to the forefront the harmful role that overdiagnosis and overtreatment plays in nutritional deficiency and chemical exposure related 'diseases.' (February 2002). The authors also cite animal experimental research which has shown that T4 increases the oxidative stress[6] and spontaneous pulmonary metastases in mice. The great open sky of imagination: for those who u Fermented Foods: Top 8 Reasons to Eat Them. I have so many women friends and family members who have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and their doctors put them all on Synthyroid. They compared sale of, "However, the impression we get from our experience, Health, Studies, Supps & Pharmaceuticals. Factors found to be associated with mortality were age, senile dementia, congestive heart failure, chronic renal failure, and a history of cerebrovascular disease. radioactive treatments. I'm not saying that there Is no link between Synthroid and lung cancer. View the data on our Hypothyroidism Research page. Another recently approved drug is tepotinib (Tepmetko). [3], An old clinical observation on the relationship between lung cancer and thyroid function reported that patients were characterized by a low concentration of T3 and an increased T4/T3 ratio due to a decrease of 5-monodeiodination (DI).