Responsible Parenthood: 18 Family Planning Methods You Should Know About For the road to parenthood to go smoothly, family planning is a must. (y) Skilled birth attendance refers to childbirth managed by a skilled health professional including the enabling conditions of necessary equipment and support of a functioning health system, including transport and referral faculties for emergency obstetric care. Thus, the Population Commission was created to push for a lower family size norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. Additional duty of the local population officer . [10], In Population and Poverty, Aniceto Orbeta, Jr., showed that poverty incidence is higher among big families: 57.3% of Filipino families with seven children are in poverty while only 23.8% of families who have two children live below the poverty threshold. It entails equality in opportunities, in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services in furtherance of the rights to health and sustainable human development among others, without discrimination. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD INFORMED CHOICE Effective and quality reproductive healthcare services, which are ethically and medically safe, legal, accessible and affordable shall be given. 10354, otherwise known as the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012". For example, the 1992 study of Ross Levine and David Renelt, which covered 119 countries over 30 years (versus a University of the Philippines study of 3 countries over a few years). It is the ability of the parent to detect the need, happiness and desire of the children and helping them to become responsible and reasonable children. On February 16, 2011, the bill was endorsed by the House Appropriations Committee with amendment and referred back to the Population Committee for finalizing the language. Republic Act No. Before the end of April each year, the DOH shall submit to the President of the Philippines and Congress an annual consolidated report, which shall provide a definitive and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of its programs and those of other government agencies and instrumentalities and recommend priorities for executive and legislative actions. The NPPFP, a major component of the Responsible Parenthood and . Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive health Act of 2012 RA 10354. (p) That a comprehensive reproductive health program addresses the needs of people throughout their life cycle. SEC. (aa) Sustainable human development refers to bringing people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, to the center of development process, the central purpose of which is the creation of an enabling environment in which all can enjoy long, healthy and productive lives, done in the manner that promotes their rights and protects the life opportunities of future generations and the natural ecosystem on which all life depends. 2. (m) Natural family planning refers to a variety of methods used to plan or prevent pregnancy based on identifying the womans fertile days. The State shall also promote openness to life; Provided, That parents bring forth to the world only those children whom they can raise in a truly humane way. Informed Choice D. Respect for life. 0354, informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law here in the Philippines, which guarantees the universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education and maternity care. "[74], However, by April 2011 Aquino has given his full support to the entire RH Bill in a speech at the University of the Philippines Diliman and promised to push for its passage even at the "risk of excommunication."[75]. SEC. Economic studies, especially the experience in Asia. 10354 Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RPRH Law) Executive Order No. A. instill in mind the four pillars of Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood (RA 10354) and recognize its importance as a whole; B. react enthusiastically on the four pillars of Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood (RA 10354) through sharing the relevant ideas; C. illustrate their concerns that correspond to or paralleled . "[16], The RH bill provides for "prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other, STIs/STDs", especially since the number of HIV cases among the young nearly tripled from 41 in 2007 to 110 in 2008. (CLEMS DELA CRUZ / FILE PHOTO / MANILA BULLETIN) Section 11. [89], On April 8, 2014, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the law. They illustrate the connection between rapid population growth and poverty by comparing the economic growth and population growth rates of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, wherein the first two grew more rapidly than the Philippines due to lower population growth rates. Section 3. Section 26. Couples determine their ideal family size. [8], SEC. [71], Lagman on the other hand said that both these priorities are important but with a burgeoning population the budget will become even tighter, thus population growth is a major issue. Reproductive health refers to the condition of male and female reproductive systems during all life stages. health status, socio - cultural and economic concern. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law, is a groundbreaking law that guarantees universal and free access to nearly all modern contraceptives for all citizens, including impoverished communities, at government health centers. The 30 overall countries who participated in the signing of the declaration was acknowledged by U.N. Secretary-General U Thant during a United Nations ceremony on December 11, 1967, a day after Human Rights Day. 5043 (Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008)", "A Forum on Population, Development and Reproductive Health", "Official Statement of Support for the Immediate Passage of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines", Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates, Full text of NSSM 200 (US government source), Philippine Family Planning Statistics (National Statistics Office),, An Act providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and for Other Purposes, An Act providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development. No person shall be denied information and access to family planning services, whether natural or artificial: Provided, That minors will not be allowed access to modern methods of family planning without written consent from their parents or guardian/s except when the minor is already a parent or has had a miscarriage. (12) Mental health aspect of reproductive health care. SEC. (h) Gender equity refers to the policies, instruments, programs and actions that address the disadvantaged position of women in society by providing preferential treatment and affirmative action. Access to Family Planning. 2. Copy. It also includes neonatal interventions which include at the minimum: newborn resuscitation, provision of warmth, and referral, blood transfusion where possible. 19. SEC. Members of the House of Representatives voted 13379, while seven representatives abstained. The law will take effect 15 days after its . Definition of Terms. Learn. 1. [67] Passing it or not passing it of the bill has negative implications depending on the views. STUDY. The Gender and Development (GAD) funds of LGUs and national agencies may be a source of funding for the implementation of this Act. The DOH shall procure, distribute to LGUs and monitor the usage of family planning supplies for the whole country. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. Maternal and Newborn Health Care in Crisis Situations Section 19. 10354 titled Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Act of 2012 calling for age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education and having a supportive . In 1975, the U.S. adopted as its policy the National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200). Declaration of Policy SEC. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations. 21. "[20], According to Rina Jimenez David who is pro-RH, during the "Women Deliver Philippines" Conference held September 2010, Dinky Soliman, Aquino's Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, said that "choice and access" constituted the keystone of the Aquino government's policy, reiterating the administration's support for the pending reproductive health bills. Adapt your parenting to fit your child 5. Appropriations. (w) Sexual health refers to a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. [64] Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo stated that these punitive provisions "are tantamount to an affront to civil liberties and smack of religious persecution". 6 An Act Providing for a National Policy on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health, Rep. Act No. The committee quickly passed the bill in just one session. Appropriations Spell. The editorial of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, moreover, stated that Catholic teaching is "only" a religious teaching and should not be imposed with intolerance on a secular state. The supply and budget allotments shall be based on, among others, the current levels and projections of the following: (a) Number of women of reproductive age and couples who want to space or limit their children; (b) Contraceptive prevalence rate, by type of method used; and. According to Galinsky 1981 , there are six stages of Parenthood. The DOH and the LGUs shall initiate and sustain a heightened nationwide multimedia-campaign to raise the level of public awareness on the protection and promotion of reproductive health and rights including, but not limited to, maternal health and nutrition, family planning and responsible parenthood information and services, adolescent and youth reproductive health, guidance and counseling and other elements of reproductive health care under Section 4(q). 9. critique on the responsible parenthood and reproductive health act of 2012, republic act no. For over 50 years, we have been dedicated to improving the lives of women, children, and families through research, public health monitoring, scientific assistance, and partnerships. Pursuant thereto, the State shall defend: (a) The right of spouses to found a family in accordance with their religious convictions and the demands of responsible parenthood; (b) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development; (c) The right of the family to a family living wage and income; and, (d) The right of families or family associations to participate in the planning and implementation of policies and programs, The State likewise guarantees universal access to medically-safe, non-abortifacient, effective, legal, affordable, and quality reproductive health care services, methods, devices, supplies which do not prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and relevant information and education thereon according to the priority needs of women, children and other underprivileged sectors, giving preferential access to those identified through the National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) and other government measures of identifying marginalization, who shall be voluntary beneficiaries of reproductive health care, services and supplies for free. Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. While there is general agreement about its . 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. 12 issued by President Rodrigo Duterte supporting the full implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law is a major push for the government's family planning program, which has been hindered by various challenges to the implementation of the landmark law. He mentioned that the lack of access to RH services is anti-women, citing the slow decline in the maternal mortality ratio in the Philippines. 8 Id. Certificate of Compliance. Reporting Requirements. The annual report shall evaluate the content, implementation, and impact of all policies related to reproductive health and family planning to ensure that such policies promote, protect and fulfill womens reproductive health and rights. [16] He said that the Papal Commission on Birth Control, which included ranking prelates and theologians, recommended that the Church change its teaching on contraception as it concluded that "the regulation of conception appears necessary for many couples who wish to achieve a responsible, open and reasonable parenthood in today's circumstances". Therefore, there will be no unwanted pregnancy for the couple. Stages of Responsible Parenthood Parenting is a process by which parents and children grow and develop, each influencing the other throughout their lives. The DOH shall coordinate with all appropriate local government bodies to plan and implement this procurement and distribution program. Oral arguments concluded on August 27, with the petitioners against and for the law being instructed to submit memorandums within 60 days. 9 Id. The RAND study also said that a large population can promote growth given the right fundamentals. The President's spokesperson Edwin Lacierda explained that the President "has not changed his stand" and is reaching out to the prelates and said that he has not made any decision in support of the Reproductive Health Bill as he was still studying the document. Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the challenge to fund its own contraception program. What pillar of reproductive health Act states that effective? The pro-RH people accuse the anti-RH group of misleading the public by calling the bill an abortion bill, when the bill states that abortion remains a crime and is punishable. According to this pillar of Reproductive health, the government should respect the citizen's individual preference and choices of family planning method. [9], Any person or public official who prohibits or restricts the delivery of legal and medically safe reproductive health care services will be meted penalty by imprisonment or a fine.[9]. The millions of funds intended for the contraceptive devices may just well be applied in improving the skills of our health workers in reducing maternal and child mortality in the Philippines". Proponents also accuse the Catholic Church of holding the Philippines "hostage" and violating the separation of church and state. Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-three day of July, two thousand twelve. SEC. For the purposes of this Act, midwives and nurses shall be allowed to administer lifesaving drugs such as, but not limited to, oxytocin and magnesium sulfate, in accordance with the guidelines set by the DOH, under emergency conditions and when there are no physicians available: Provided, That they are properly trained and certified to administer these lifesaving drugs. [65], Fr. Studies show that 44% of the pregnancies in the poorest, An SWS survey of 2008 showed that 71% of the respondents are in favor of the bill, People's freedom to access contraceptives is not restricted by any opposing law, being available in family planning NGOs, stores, etc. 29. Explain your rules and decisions 10. (3) Perform such other functions necessary to attain the purposes of this Act. Title. ", Filipino Freethinkers, an association of agnostics, atheists, progressives, etc., very active in the fight in favor of the RH bill, stepped up the pressure, creating more controversy that fired up renewed interest in the bill on both sides. During the first public hearing on Nov 24, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. Repealing Clause. [citation needed], The UP School of Economics argues, in contrast, that there is lack of access especially for poor people, because contraceptive use is extremely low among them and "among the poorest families, 22% of married women of reproductive age express a desire to avoid pregnancies but are still not using any family planning method". 10354, or the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, has been published online in the Official Gazette, after being signed by President Aquino on December 21, 2012.. (e) Any pharmaceutical company, whether domestic or multinational, or its agents or distributors, which directly or indirectly colludes with government officials, whether appointed or elected, in the distribution, procurement and/or sale by the national government and LGUs of modern family planning supplies, products and devices. It was transmitted back to the House of Representatives and the Senate, which both ratified the bill, with the Senate voting 115 in favor of ratification, and the House of Representatives voting via voice vote[82][83], On December 21, 2012, President Aquino signed the bill into law, codifying the bill as Republic Act No. 1700. 3. The Rizal Law, officially designated as Republic Act No. Terms in this set (21) Reproductive health. Mobile Health Care Service. [citation needed], President Noynoy Aquino during the presidential campaign said that it confounds him why he is always associated with the RH Bill and reiterated that he is neither an author nor a co-author and did not sign the committee report regarding the bill. Guiding Principles for Implementation. It will mean reneging on international commitments and will slow down modernization. You cannot be too loving 3. On December 3, the Senate cut the proposed budget of P 880M for contraceptives down to P 8M for condoms since other contraceptives violated the Constitution's ban on abortifacients, and Senator Tito Sotto III said that his constituents never asked for contraceptives. [90], Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012. 17. Aquino stressed, "I'm a Catholic, I'm not promoting it. It recommends the U.S. leadership to "influence national leaders" and that "improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID. 23. [36], The position of the Philippine Medical Association (PMA) "is founded strongly on the principle that 'life or conception begins at fertilization' at that moment where there is fusion or union of the sperm and the egg and thus a human person or human being already does exist at the moment of fertilization". (q) Reproductive health care refers to the access to a full range of methods, facilities, services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by addressing reproductive health-related problems. Rating: Before Reproductive Health (RH) Law was implemented, there were mixed reactions from different sectors. [citation needed], The 2013 total fertility rate (TFR) is 3.20 births per woman, from a TFR of 7 in 1960. Respect for Life The act recognizes that abortion is illegal and punishable by law. Right to Reproductive Health Care Information The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, including the Philippines to control rapid population growth which they deem to be inimical to the sociopolitical national interests of the U.S., since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad", and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the U.S. [citation needed], One of the prelates the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines, Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle opposes the Reproductive Health Bill, along with abortion and contraception. Education and information materials to be developed and disseminated for this purpose shall be reviewed regularly to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. 8. Find more answers No marriage license shall be issued by the Local Civil Registrar unless the applicants present a Certificate of Compliance issued for free by the local Family Planning Office certifying that they had duly received adequate instructions and information on responsible parenthood, family planning, breastfeeding and infant nutrition. Teaching morality. 2865 and House Bill No. . . Francisco Montalvan of the Inquirer said that in the end the Damasos are the scheming, corrupt and deceptive people, implying that the "pro-death advocates" are these, while the Cardinal Rosales who started a nationwide fund for the poor is very far from Damaso. A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. Reproductive Health Law allows us to have the access to a full range of methods, facilities, services and supplies that contribute to reproductive health and well-being by addressing reproductive health-related problems. Section 21. In an effort to ensure that the reproductive health and other medical needs of the Filipino youth are addressed, the Department of Education (DepEd) led the launch of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education and Adolescent Reproductive Health (CSE-ARH) Convergence. 13. The four pillars of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 are the following: Responsible Parenthood. [25] Citing Catholic documents and scientific studies, they reasoned that "the RH Bill is pro-life, pro-women, pro-poor, pro-youth, and pro-informed choice". [76], The Loyola School of Theology and the John J. Carroll Institute on State and Church Issues issued nine talking points on the RH Bill. Penalties Lagman explained that "Globally, the new number of reported cases of HIV infections and deaths has dropped by nearly 20 percent. (b) Adolescent refers to young people between the ages of ten (10) to nineteen (19) years who are in transition from childhood to adulthood. SEC. BENIGNO S. AQUINO IIIPresident of the Philippines, The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation. What are the benefits do we get from Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act? 10354 ) Includes provisions on maternal and child health that guarantee universal access ti maternal care, sexual education, and fertility control Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 ( RA 9211) Aims to prohibit smoking in all public places Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Ovaries in females and testicles in males are reproductive organs, or gonads, that maintain health of their respective systems. SEC. 10354, is a Philippine law that provided universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines. 6. Section 16. [9], The bill calls for a "multi-dimensional approach" integrates a component of family planning and responsible parenthood into all government anti-poverty programs. B. What are the components of the RH Bill? Access to Family Planning Pursuant to the declaration of State policies under Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, it is the duty of the State to protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution and equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. For the purpose of this Act, any product or supply included or to be included in the EDL must have a certification from the FDA that said product and supply is made available on the condition that it is not to be used as an abortifacient. Free choice regarding reproductive health enables people, especially the poor, to have the number of children they want and can feasibly care and provide for. Meanwhile, the Imam Council of the Philippines, the top leaders of the Moslem population which at 4.5million constitutes 5% of the Philippine population, declared that they are against contraceptives since using them "underestimates God" and "makes one lose morality in the process.". 3032. Our writers have high academic qualifications The State shall provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents which shall be taught by adequately trained teachers informal and nonformal educational system and integrated in relevant subjects such as, but not limited to, values formation; knowledge and skills in self-protection against discrimination; sexual abuse and violence against women and children and other forms of gender based violence and teen pregnancy; physical, social and emotional changes in adolescents; womens rights and childrens rights; responsible teenage behavior; gender and development; and responsible parenthood: Provided, That flexibility in the formulation and adoption of appropriate course content, scope and methodology in each educational level or group shall be allowed only after consultations with parents-teachers-community associations, school officials and other interest groups. Mobile Health Care Service "The passage into law of the Responsible Parenthood Act closes a highly divisive chapter of our historya chapter borne of the convictions of those who argued for, or against this Act, whether in the legislative branch or in civil society," paliwanag ng opisyal. Reproductive Health. Congressional approval and presidential assent, Supreme Court challenge and delay of implementation, Section 30 of the law provides that "this act shall take effect 15 days after its publication in at least two newspapers of general circulation". They have established a technical working group for this purpose. 10354 Full Title AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A NATIONAL POLICY ON RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Short Title "The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" Issuance Category Legislative Issuance Legislative Issuance Type Republic Act Congress These preventable deaths could have been avoided if more Filipino women have access to reproductive health information and healthcare. Presidential candidate Gilbert Teodoro or Gibo suggested a cash transfer from the government to individuals wanting access to family planning methods, whether natural or artificial. What is Responsible Parenthood? [24], Congressman Lagman states that the bill "recognizes the verifiable link between a huge population and poverty. We are Pro-Life as our first principle. 11. Health Care Facilities. Meanwhile, six co-authors of the bill withdrew support, with the head of the minority group of the house declaring that eight of their group are withdrawing their previous support for the bill. 26. "[72], MacDonald said that lack of effective access to reproductive health services in the Philippines was "antithetical" to the country's struggle against poverty and "It seems to me extremely unlikely that the Philippines will be able to meet its commitment under the MDGs under the present policy. It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relationship. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of women especially mothers in particular and of the people in general and instill health consciousness among them. He also said surveys suggest that the total wanted fertility rate for the Philippines is 2.4 children, or below the actual TFR of 3.3 children. Leader of the pro-RH group, Elizabeth Ansioco, said that the bill is doomed if it is referred to the Committee on Health. Reporting Requirements DIRECTIONS: Assuming that after 10 years you will become a parent. Definition of Terms It is therefore both ironic and tragic that the Philippines' trajectory is towards the other direction. Rather than being selfish or trying to deceive each other, they ought to deal in a kind and upright way with each other. The State shall likewise protect and advance the right of families in particular and the people in general to a balanced and healthful environment in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature. 10354, is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control,.