Votes: 0, Oftentimes in reality, the genius is in the position of the antihero. The Cold War had become a battlefield marked by doublespeak. Votes: 0, Reality and truth are not products of rational or linear thinking. History is a combination of reality and lies. Votes: 0, The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda"¦ Votes: 2, The supernatural birth of Christ, his miracles, his resurrection and ascension, remain eternal truths, whatever doubts may be cast on their reality as historical facts. To test Reality we must see it on the tight-rope. She prefers the mysterious shadows of her own delusions. It means living the truth, living in reality. The courage we need is not the fortitude to be obedient in the service of an unjust war, to help conceal lies, to do our job for a boss who has usurped power and is acting as an outlaw government. Some people have a difficult time facing truth and reality. Votes: 0, I ran toward my dreams, tripped on reality, and hit my head on the truth!" Lies are enemies. Lucius Annaeus Seneca. “Truth is like the sun. We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. Votes: 0, We are insane. “You can go from object to object, from plant to plant, from animal to animal and regard them as symbols for the spiritual. Sometimes your perception will differ from the opinions of the majority, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Votes: 0, The way of paradoxes is the way of truth. Votes: 0, Love is based on our capacity to trust in a reality beyond fear, to trust a timeless truth bigger than all our difficulties. “Life is all about perception. Votes: 2, With sculpting, nothing is cloudy or mystical. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you.” – Roy T. Bennett, 22. In the underworld, reality itself has elastic properties and is capable of being stretched into different definitionsof the truth. Votes: 9 And isn't it a bad thing to be deceived about the truth, and a good thing to know what the truth is? In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. “Miracles are a shift in perception.” – Kenneth Wapnick, 14. I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.” – Angelina Jolie, 7. ...[E]very person perceives the world differently. “Speak up, stand up, and keep correcting the false perceptions. They are derived from absolute wisdom as it manifests itself spontaneously, coming from the light of the Spirit. Discover and share Quotes On Truth And Reality. Reality also matters. It means living the truth, living in reality. “Perception is reality but it may not be actuality, and you have got to be able to keep the difference between that.” – Bill Cowher. Whichever you choose will affect and more than likely reflect your outcomes.” – Sonya Teclai, 8. Votes: 0, There may not be one Truth - there may be several truths - but saying that is not to say that reality doesn't exist. One can hardly be Indian and not know that almost every accent, which hand you eat your food with, has some deeper symbolic truth, reality. These perception quotes highlight the importance of maintaining a positive point of view. Truth Vs Reality Quotes. Whenever someone tries to deny the truth, ultimately, reality betrays him. My shyness has been in reality my shield and buckler. A thriller becomes great when it carries a feeling of reality and truth. Votes: 2, Enhance and intensify one's vision of that synthesis of truth and beauty which is the highest and deepest reality. Votes: 0, The truth of art lies in its power to break the monopoly of established reality to define what is real. The supernatural birth of Christ, his miracles, his resurrection and ascension, remain eternal truths, whatever doubts may be cast on their reality as historical facts. Art invents reality. Plato Quotes on Philosophy Truth and Reality. “There is no fixed physical reality, no single perception of the world, just numerous ways of interpreting world views as dictated by one’s nervous system and the specific environment of our planetary existence.” – Deepak Chopra, 10. Your truth becomes your STORY. If you are ever at an impasse about whether to be honest or lie, use these honesty quotes about telling the truth to point you in the right direction. Votes: 0, The deepest level of truth uncovered by science, & by philosophy, is the fundamental truth of unity. “Reality is always kinder than the stories we tell about it.” – Byron Katie, 42. Truth, as any dictionary will tell you, is a property of certain of our ideas. The only way to maintain the integrity of spiritual inquiry is to encourage radical questioning of all precepts/percepts and their interpretations. It means their agreement, as falsity means their disagreement, with reality. The reality is you don't believe it. Truth was promised in a serum. In truth, in reality, there's often a great deal of murkiness and muddiness, confusion and contradiction. You might also like these eye-opening perception quotes about truth and reality. This will reduce life's pain. Votes: 0, The State is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality only in his capacity as a member of the State. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.". “All things are subject to interpretation. Disguise, distortion, and deception were accepted as reality. They should hold themselves absolutely upon the immovable foundation of truth and nature, whereby alone they can save themselves from misapprehensions and from the danger of being entirely carried away from reality into mere dreams and fictions. Votes: 0, I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought, and that Truth is more unlimited than you can imagine. Your choices have psychological consequences. Votes: 0, Reality means you live until you die. I'm less interested in reality. Truth conforms to reality. No one wants the truth; they want entertainment. Votes: 0, If 'truth' is an 'unveiled reality,' then my truth may not be your truth yet! No one wants the truth; they want entertainment. Reality is the actual state of things. “If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.” – William Blake, 11. We often want what we don’t have. To think in terms of either pessimism or optimism oversimplifies the truth. I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought, and that Truth is more unlimited than you can imagine. There may not be one Truth - there may be several truths - but saying that is not to say that reality doesn't exist. This is a question which every theologian finds in his path, and which he must dispose of; and on the manner in which it is determined depends his theology, and of course his religion, so far as his theology is to him a truth and reality. Votes: 6, There is a slovenly disrespect for truth and reality that has infected and cross-infected the arts; the values of entertainment are relentlessly in the ascendant, to the extent that it becomes virtually impossible to write a naturalistic fictional sentence without feeling that the fabric of that sentence is already compromised. Votes: 8, It is obvious that [leftists] are not cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. Stop wandering, travel inside. Votes: 0, Reality, truth, and Jesus Christ are incredibly open-ended “The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Votes: 3, Truth in philosophy means that concept and external reality correspond. It seems to me they are sending down their bullies to create fist fights among average American citizens who don't want a government-run health care plan forced upon them. That’s all perception. “Owing to some peculiarity in my nervous system, I have perception of some things, which no one else has; or at least very few, if any… I can throw rays from every quarter of the universe into one vast focus.” – Ada Lovelace, 37. “The reality of life is that your perceptions – right or wrong – influence everything else you do. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be. I have to accept it and work within those compounds, and it’s up to me.” – Brad Pitt, 43. As soon as I became old enough to make my dreams my reality, I became a firm believer that the subconscious and the world outside of our flesh and blood is essentially the truth. Lying distorts reality. The way that you perceive the world is uniquely different from anyone else. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. “Perception precedes reality.” – Andy Warhol, 45. Votes: 6, In every system of theology, therefore, there is a chapter De libero arbitrio. Votes: 0, A lot of what we're doing here deals with perception rather than truth. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. These thought-provoking quotes about perception will blow your mind. The truth about our own modest contribution might immobilize us: much easier then, to tell ourselves a story about how much we make our own reality. Votes: 0, Imaginative truth is the most immediate way of presenting ultimate reality to a human being... ultimate reality is what we call God. Votes: 0, Objective reality - otherwise known as the truth - matters. 11. There is lot of difference between an existent fact and an established fact. Share your enthusiasm. “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” – Oscar Wilde, Also check out these inspirational July quotes about the hottest month of the year, 21. Votes: 0, Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures. Mythology is an illusion that becomes reality. What we are familiar with we cease to see. Truth in philosophy means that concept and external reality correspond. I guess it's hard to stomach the truth like a bulimic. It is still a word with meaning. In my heart I know the truth, but my mind cannot accept the reality of what this all means. There are many realities. There's no truth in anything we do, say, make or feel. Votes: 0, There may always be another reality to make fiction of the truth we think we've arrived at. Better to accept the wretched truth than struggle, twisting to make a wish a reality. Votes: 0, Art is not merely an imitation of the reality of nature, but in truth a metaphysical supplement to the reality of nature, placed alongside thereof for its conquest. Votes: 3, The so-called spiritual inquiry must necessarily address questions of authority and power since both individuals and the organizations that represent them generally seek legitimacy from hegemonic interpretations of truth and reality. Indeed, the truth, the reality of the Kosovo War, was actually hidden behind all the 'humanitarian' faces. And what good is that when the things of real value in life are invisible? Votes: 0, A bitter reality of truth can be wisely told in a sweet tale of lullaby. Reality has actually very little to do with truth; there is no necessary connection between the two. I'm more interested in perception, the truth of the universe that we see. Perception is one millionth of one percent reality (truth in fact). True, the initial ideas are in general those of an individual, but the establishment of the reality and truth is in general the work of more than one person. Reality is the state of things as they originally exist and not as they are perceived or thought to be. Truth is exact correspondence with reality. When threatened with her unsavory situation, DuBois retreats into darkness and thus fantasy. In reality, it’s not about better or worse; it’s just perception.” – Simon Sinek. There may always be another reality to make fiction of the truth we think we've arrived at. Reality & Truth Quotes. Gossip is a plague that consumes weak, gullible people and blinds them from the truth of reality; it can devour entire city's. Any documentary; any capturing of a non-fiction event, is a hyper-realistic condensation of reality that hopefully reveals an emotional truth. Votes: 0, People say they love truth, but in reality they want to believe that which they love is true. You can shut it … Given our reality, the truth doesn't fit. The reality of History becomes a lie. It has allowed me to grow. Votes: 0, Religions, by definition, disagree as to the truth - a reality that cannot be overcome by demanding that one or the other faith repudiate its claim to truth. Some people have a difficult time facing truth and reality. 49. Votes: 0, Emotion did not play a part in truth, only reality did. View the list. Votes: 0, The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes its truth or falsity. Menu. 50. Inquiry clears away misperceptions and illusions, making one available to the movements of grace. 1. 68 Truth Quotes Be encouraged by these truth quotes to always tell the truth. It's just about this object, and if you're trying to depict reality, and you do it well, then the outcome is the truth. If you are perceived to be something, you might as well be it because that's the truth in people's minds. Votes: 3 Votes: 0, My shyness has been in reality my shield and buckler. Votes: 6, When the mind's eye rests on objects illuminated by truth and reality, it understands and comprehends them, and functions intelligently; but when it turns to the twilight world of change and decay, it can only form opinions, its vision is confused and its beliefs shifting, and it seems to lack intelligence. In this way, you make your imaginative capacities fluid and release them from the sharp contours of sense perception.” – Rudolf Steiner, 39. You will not ever perceive the truth that is reality. Votes: 2, Photography does deal with 'truth' or a kind of superficial reality better than any of the other arts, but it never questions the nature of reality - it simply reproduces reality. For I assume that by knowing the truth you mean knowing things as they really are. Reality also matters. 12. Inquiry clears away misperceptions and illusions, making one available to the movements of grace. The world will always choose convenience over reality. George Orwell. The way that we think about ourselves and our lives is critical. The unreality of the fable becomes the truth. A good writer turns fact into truth; a bad writer will, more often than not, accomplish the opposite. You owe reality nothing and the truth about your feelings everything. Reality is the opposite of all things non-existent. Votes: 0, Art is not a study of positive reality, it is the seeking for ideal truth. There is nothing stranger than truth. A bitter reality of truth can be wisely told in a sweet tale of lullaby. “It is the function of art to renew our perception. Votes: 4, For some, reassessing concepts about truth and reality can be a scary proposition. Your story IS your REALITY. Votes: 6, Truth and reality in art do not arise until you no longer understand what you are doing and are capable of but nevertheless sense a power that grows in proportion to your resistance. Votes: 0, In the underworld, reality itself has elastic properties and is capable of being stretched into different definitionsof the truth. Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth. Votes: 0, That is the beauty of memory, isn't it? It has allowed me to grow. ...words are the gateway to reality, the means by which we engage with the objective truth beyond ourselves. Art is not merely an imitation of the reality of nature, but in truth a metaphysical supplement to the reality of nature, placed alongside thereof for its conquest. So essentially, there are six billion human versions of reality on this planet, each perceiving its own truth. Truth will flourish in fantasy, only to wither and die in what you are pleased to call reality. “I believe you make your day. To find reality you must be real in the smallest daily action; there can be no deceit in the search for truth. Votes: 0, I'm less interested in reality. It's never the actual literal truth of an event. Votes: 0, ...words are the gateway to reality, the means by which we engage with the objective truth beyond ourselves. “I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. The character of a man, the integrity, that’s who you are.” – Steve Alford, 2. Different mind, different perceptions, different imaginations. In reality, it’s not about better or worse; it’s just perception.” – Simon Sinek, 49. Reality has been existent ever since the beginning of the universe. Votes: 0, You will not ever perceive the truth that is reality. Truth was promised in a serum. Required fields are marked *, 50 Animal Farm Quotes To Teach You the Power of Too Much Power, 50 Awesome Vegan Quotes to Inspire Your New Diet, 50 Carter G. Woodson Quotes About the Importance of Knowing Black History, 50 Mel Robbins Quotes To Inspire Meaningful Personal Growth, 50 Marvin the Martian Quotes from Your Old-School Favorite Extraterrestrial, 35 Donnie Darko Quotes from the Sci-Fi Psychological Thriller, 30 Edward Scissorhands Quotes to Embrace Your Uniqueness, 50 Barney Stinson Quotes from the Popular How I Met Your Mother Character, 50 Ozzy Osbourne Quotes from One of the Godfathers of Metal, 120 Happy Holidays Quotes that Celebrate Family and Love, 210 Famous Movie Quotes From Your Favorite Characters, 200 Powerful Quotes About Losing a Loved One and Coping, 190 Good Morning Quotes for Him So He’ll Feel Appreciated, 170 Quotes About New Beginnings and Starting Fresh, 155 Blessed Quotes Celebrating Your Everyday Blessings, 50 Francis Bacon Quotes From The Iconic English Philosopher, 50 Flannery O’Connor Quotes From the Southern Story Teller, 50 Harry Truman Quotes From The Unpopular President, 50 Edward Abbey Quotes From the Environmental Activist, 50 Benjamin Button Quotes about Living Life to the Full, 230 Best Rap Quotes and Lyrics about Life, Love and Success, 190 Inspirational Quotes for Women on Strength and Leadership. Votes: 2, As a reporter you tend to seek coherence from your subject or your source - it all needs to add up and make sense. If 'truth' is an 'unveiled reality,' then my truth may not be your truth yet! For DuBois, light eradicates the darkness of her illusion. – Albert Einstein. The State is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality only in his capacity as a member of the State. . Like. Bohdi Sanders. Votes: 0, Art is not truth. Truth is that which affirms propositionally the nature of reality as it is. Below you will find a table … The reality is you don't believe it “What people in the world think of you is really none of your business.” – Martha Graham, 33. The most important thing about my profession is finding the truth, finding the reality of these shows. When your voice contradicts reality and truth, the only way to create space for it is to discredit reality and truth. That is what sin is. Oftentimes in reality, the genius is in the position of the antihero. Sylvie walked in front of me. Express your love. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old truth quotes, truth sayings, and truth proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. Votes: 0, That's what I mean by radical truth. Votes: 6, In art, truth and reality begin when one no longer understands what one is doing or what one knows, and when there remains an energy that is all the stronger for being constrained, controlled and compressed. Because my truth is not what people are responding to. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. Like. Stay true to your hearts views and keep chanting for peace and justice.” – Suzy Kassem, 15. The question is, "Are you spiritual or are you not?" Every concept of reality is all in our head, belief is what makes truth. 1- Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. Votes: 0, The question is, "Are you spiritual or are you not?" Nature and truth have never learned to blow the trumpet, and never will. Reality & Truth "Tell the truth to everyone whenever you can." You can get started at any moment to decide and commit to living a more authentic life. Votes: 0, The world will always choose convenience over reality. ~ Abraham Lincoln See more ideas about quotes, truth, inspirational quotes. Votes: 0, Different mind, different perceptions, different imaginations. “Most of us have grown up seeing the world as a place of limitation rather than as a place of inexhaustible treasures.” – Bob Burg, 44. The pursuit of truth is just a polite name for the intellectual's favorite pastime of substituting simple and therefore false abstractions for the living complexities of reality. The imagination that we see - reality is all perception, perception-and-reality, reality means live. 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