Treatment for feline acne can easily be incorporated into a daily routine, and usually takes only a minute or two. Feline acne can also be related to allergies or trauma. Here are some of the things that can cause feline acne. Washing and exfoliating the chin with a gentle benzoyl-peroxide solution also may be preventive of further outbreaks. In fact, many people commonly mistake cat acne for dirt or flea excrement and will try to wipe, brush or wash it off to no avail. It is known as a keretinisation disorder as keratin is the protein involved in the production of hair and skin, and it relates to overproduction of sebum in the sebaceous glands on the hair follicles in the skin. Cleaning the sebum will help to prevent the formation of comedones (otherwise known as black heads) that clog up the pores of the skin and reduces the chance of any secondary infection developing. The choice of which antibiotic should be used depends upon the lab reports. Create a free account with and join our community today. Does your cat seem to have brown or black dirt around the chin that doesn't go away? If properly cared for, cats with acne should be able to live the same pain-free life as any other cat. [2], Other conditions that can cause similar-appearing conditions include skin mites, ringworm, yeast infection, or autoimmune diseases such as eosinophilic granuloma complex ("rodent ulcers"). Feline acne is a problem seen in cats primarily involving the formation of blackheads accompanied by inflammation on the cat's chin and surrounding areas that can cause lesions, alopecia, and crusty sores. If you’re a concerned cat mom like me, you may be curious about finding out how you can help your feline stay blemish-free. If the problem progresses, pustules and papules may appear, at times with an exudation of pus. Vet Med 86 (5), 504-12 VetMedResource. [5], Sebaceous glands are skin glands that produce oil and are mostly found in the skin of the chin, at the base of the tail, and in the eyelids, lips, prepuce, and scrotum. Mild cases of cat acne may not need any treatment at all, although most owners find the condition unsightly and prefer to treat. There may be chronic cases of cat acne or that comes back repeatedly, the vet would work with owners to plan a maintenance schedule that will prevent the cat from having frequent outbreaks. Other sources of information. These blackheads may become red and itchy if they get infected. I wouldn't have noticed it before having it pointed out to me because it just looked like dirt and I had no idea what feline acne was, so it's very possible she's had this from the moment I brought her home (or earlier). [1][4] This problem can happen once, be reoccurring, or even persistent throughout the cat's life. "There are a tremendous number of sebaceous, or oil, glands in the skin of a cat's chin that are connected to hair follicles. Mild cases will look like dirt on the cat's chin, but the dirt will not brush off. Help! More severe cases, however, may respond slowly to treatment and seriously detract from the health and appearance of the cat. Sometimes cases of mild feline acne might not need treatment and will subside on their own. Jan 19, 2011 #1 S. silly_ goose TCS Member Thread starter. She wasn’t very well taken care of and one of her issues is that she has some feline acne, mostly blackheads and some parts of her skin are pink and irritated under her chin. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license. It can effect either sex of any breed at any age, although some sources say it is more common between 2-4 years of age due to hormones. If more severe acne isn't treated, the pimples could progress into dangerous abscesses. Never treat feline acne with an anti-acne cream mean for humans. If you suspect that your cat may have acne, make an appointment with your vet in order to rule out more serious conditions. On this page you’ll find the answer to, how long does acne last? These may elicit itching and discomfort due to swelling and bacterial growth inside infected glands. Clindamycin is most commonly prescribed treatment for feline acne. Feline acne treatment is based on the severity of the condition.® HomePaySM is a service provided by Breedlove and Associates, LLC, a company. Treating Cat Acne As long as the area doesn't become infected, your cat usually won't be bothered by the blemishes. [7], Topical treatments such as warm compresses to the chin area may be sufficient for mild cases. These can be ruled out by a simple biopsy of affected cells. If you’ve ever noticed pimples or blackheads on your cat, you’re not alone. [2] In this case, treatment may begin with clinical drainage of the pustules and a course of oral antibiotics. [5],, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Developing secondary to fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. My dog ate chocolate — now what do I do? While older cats are more likely to get acne (possibly because their arthritis makes it harder to groom and remove food debris from their chins), there are things you can do to make feline acne less likely. Hair follicles that don't function properly, Rubbing the chin (to display affection or mark territory) on non-sanitized household items, Contracting the infection from other cats in the same household, This page was last edited on 22 October 2020, at 20:10. Dr. Carla Webb from Banfield Pet Hospital suggests that immune system issues can sometimes cause feline acne. Feline acne will only occur on and around the chin, starts out as blackheads and can develop into itchy, red bumps if left untreated. How long can I expect to have to do this before it clears? Plastic food and water dishes may also contribute to the problem, if the plastic is scratched it can damage the cat’s skin. Your pet could be breaking out -- but cat acne doesn't look the same as human acne. She's was put on antibiotics for a week but they didn't help. However, in more severe cases it can be very noticeable. "No one knows the exact cause of feline acne, but there seem to be several contributing factors," she adds. If your cat has a light sprinkling of blackheads, they probably don’t notice the acne at all. Symptoms of feline acne on the chin include (less to more severe):. [5], Placing the cat's water in a shallow dish may prevent the chin from absorbing the bacteria in the water while the cat is drinking. Always consult a vet before beginning any treatment for acne. In severe cases there is furunculosis and cellulitis with draining tracts. It can be a one time occurrence, come and go, or be a chronic, difficult to treat condition. One of the biggest questions when you have acne involves how long it willl last. Ordinary feline acne is more of an aesthetic dilemma than a serious health concern. ... Chlebowski agrees that canine or feline acne is best treated topically instead of with oral medication. Feline acne is characterized by the appearance of comedones, or “blackheads”. In acne, the follicles become clogged with black sebaceous material, forming comedones (also known as blackheads). Cat guardians usually notice small, oily black bumps on the cat’s chin, very similar to blackheads in humans. Feline acne treatments include: does not employ any care provider or care seeker nor is it responsible for the conduct of any care provider or care seeker. Symptoms of the condition can include blackheads or whiteheads, mild red pimples, watery crusts that can develop on the chin and (less commonly) lips, and swelling of the chin. In more severe cases of the condition, your cat maydevelop nodules, bleeding crusts, pustules, hair loss, a severe redness of the skin and be in pain (which can indicate boils). Feline acne may be an unpleasant reality, but the good news is that there are many ways to get rid of cat acne. Typical, mild, acne on the forehead occurs in almost all teenagers. As they say prevention is better than cure, you need to make an effort by keeping your cat clean and healthy. Black heads that, at first glance, can be confused wit flea droppings. Here are five ways you can treat acne in cats and dogs. Eating or drinking from plastic containers. This will loosen debris and remove dried scabs. In humans, acne is often caused by oily skin, but that isn’t normally the case with cats. They are connected to hair follicles. Comedones can become irritated, swollen, infected, and ultimately pustules. [2], Clearing the acne can be accomplished using an extra-soft bristled toothbrush or flea comb (one designated for this purpose) to brush the cat's chin. [6] Secondary fungal infections (species malassezia) may also occur. We connect families with caregivers and caring companies to help you be there for the ones you love. Epsom-salt compresses applied twice daily dry the affected area to relieve the inflammation and itchiness. The cat acne, though, will clear up by itself within a couple of weeks or so. Rosenkrantz W S (1992) The pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of feline acne. I adopted a cat from a hoarding situation a few months ago. But in cases that have major secondary infection, the cat might need treatment for much longer. [1] Mild cases will look like dirt on the cat's chin, but the dirt will not brush off. The vet put her on them for another 2 weeks. Dr. Karen Becker, veterinarian and author of "Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats," helps cat owners and sitters to better understand feline acne in order to effectively identify and treat it. When the blackheads become infected by bacteria, they may turn into pustules, or pimples, resulting in a … My cat was diagnosed with feline chin acne. Although the exact cause of feline acne is unknown, some causes include: Obese cats which have difficulty grooming themselves are predisposed to dry, flaky skin and feline acne. While it has commonly been suggested that cats are "allergic" to these containers, recent research suggests that plastic containers harbour bacteria due to irregular surfaces. Mattie has had feline acne I think ever since I brought her home. The information contained in member profiles, job posts and applications are supplied by care providers and care seekers themselves and is not information generated or verified by Causes. Scott D W, Miller W H and Griffin C E (1995) Small Animal Dermatology. Any feline acne needs dealing with for the sake of the cat's well-being, but if you try to show a cat with visible feline acne, especially if it has become sore or is bleeding, you will probably not get your cat through the show vetting in procedure, and if you do, the judge will almost certainly mark your cat down for it on the grounds of poor show preparation as mild feline acne is controllable. It occurs most often on cats' chins or around their lips, and in less severe cases cats' fur my hide the acne entirely. 20 fun and easy DIY cat toys that kitties can’t resist, Dog bladder infection: 7 tips to help your pup, Beyond dog walking: 8 pet care services you can ask your dog walker to do, Blood in dog urine: What you need to know and do. Philadelphia W B Saunders. Does feline acne hurt my cat? Keep in mind that it is important to consult a veterinarian before trying any at-home acne treatment. Dr. Becker agrees, and explains that many underlying conditions can cause cat acne to develop. I've been putting dry food out for her for the last two days (she normally just eats wet food, but gets hungry during the day) and her chin seems to have gotten worse again. pp 835-7. Pet sitter or boarding kennel: Which is right for your dog? Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine … She was on them for a week (and they seemed to help a little). How long does feline acne last? In Small Animal Dermatology, 6th Ed. Feline acne can be stubborn, but with proper care it can be managed. This article was written by … Teens are not the only ones that have to deal with acne. Cat Acne: Yes, It Exists and Yes, You Can Treat It. 10 easy homemade treats your cat will totally love. [2] Bacterial folliculitis occurs when follicules become infected with Staphylococcus aureus, and commonly associated with moderate-to-severe feline acne. [1][2][3] In many cases symptoms are mild and the disease does not require treatment. Acne can be a major pain for people of all ages. [4] Cats may also have food allergies that make the development of acne more likely, so that switching kibble, or changing to a hydrolysed diet may be effective. Cat Acne Causes Most mild cases of feline acne will not necessitate treatment. Next Last. 5th edn. Usually an oral antibiotic treatment for four to six weeks will normally cure feline acne. However, if you notice that your cat's blackheads have transformed into red bumps or have started to cause hair loss, your cat might need treatment. And yes I've switched her bowls to glass ones. [citation needed] Maintaining good hygiene and grooming habits make the development of feline acne less likely. I don't use medicated anything on feline acne ... (if your baby will stay still long enough for this ). Feline acne is a problem seen in cats primarily involving the formation of blackheads accompanied by inflammation on the cat's chin and surrounding areas that can cause lesions, alopecia, and crusty sores. When cats rub their face and chin on things, it can cause damage to their skin and hair. and "There for you" are service marks or registered service marks of, Inc. © 2007-2021, Inc. All rights reserved. When antibiotics are helpful it is recommended that they be used for 21 days since the area is favorable for bacterial growth and the infections can be relatively deep, making it take a little longer for a good effect. If the cat is allergic to plastics or dyes, using a stainless-steel or glass dish is recommended . I brought her home on 10/3/07 and the vet noticed it at her first visit which was 10/22/07. If your cat has a history of acne… Feline acne will only occur on and around the chin, starts out as blackheads and can develop into itchy, red bumps if left untreated. Feline acne can affect cats of any age, sex or breed, although Persian cats are also likely to develop acne on the face and in the skin folds. provides information and tools to help care seekers and care providers connect and make informed decisions. [citation needed], Feline acne is one of the top five most common skin conditions that veterinarians treat.[5][6]. So the vet put her on some heavyduty antibiotics. Feline chin acne is a fairly common condition in cats. The exact cause of feline acne is not known, but it is believed that there are several contributing factors: Cat acne is real! Feline acne can be caused by allergies to fleas or to environmental triggers like pollen or by fungal spores, so flea control is very important and screening for other types of allergies should be done as well in stubborn cases. It usually fades with time or responds well to a simple acne cream like benzoyl peroxide. Prevent feline acne. There appears to be no rhyme or reason regarding age, breed, or sex of cats affected by chin acne, but some sources say it is more common in cats between two and four years old because of hormones. When left untreated, acne usually lasts 4-5 years before settling by itself. Feline Acne Treatment: For mild cases, the only care needed is a simple cleaning away of the excess sebum on a regular basis. As long as your cat isn’t actively scratching or pawing at their chin, or reacting to touch as though they were in pain, it’s likely you’re more aware of the acne than they are. Dr. Karen Becker, veterinarian and author of "Real Food for Healthy Dogs and Cats," helps cat owners and sitters to better understand feline acne in … she's an indoor cat as well I feed on cookie sheets and I wash them after each feeding. The treatment for feline ace, cat acne can last for a long time. Feline acne is common in cats of all breeds, sexes and ages. If nothing else, you can think of feline acne as the one thing … In many cases symptoms are mild and the disease does not require treatment. However, each individual is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all applicable laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish. As the caretaker of two dogs, five cats and a bearded dragon, Sundstrom understands the importance of prevention in keeping pets healthy. [8] Veterinary intervention may be required for treatment if secondary infection occurs. In the case of acne, the follicles will become clogged with sebum, or oil, which form blackheads," says Dr. Becker. Long-haired cat breeds such as Himalayans and Persians are most prone to acne. Adult Cat. is the world's largest online destination for care. Feline acne is a common problem in cats. I've been washing her chin for the past 3 days with a benzol peroxide shampoo I got from the vet, but it doesn't seem to be getting much better yet. Â. Kelly Sundstrom is an award-winning journalist, author and artist. Sometimes acne can happen as a result of less serious issues, such as rubbing things with their chins, thereby pressing oils deep into the hair follicles. The most important thing is for your cat to be comfortable, so if you notice them acting irritated by their chin, make sure to take a look. Feline chin acne is a fairly common skin condition in cats, and can be a one-time occurrence, occasional flare, or chronic issue. "When your pet's immune system acts abnormally to allergens, like fleas or something in the diet, skin conditions can occur." Feline acne can occur at any age, in any breed or any sex however the causes are still poorly understood. 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