National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore

National Centre for Combustion Research and Development (NCCRD) is founded by the Combustion Institute – Indian Section and funded by the Department of Science and Technology at Indian Institute of Technology Madras and at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. NCCRD underlines the growing recognition of combustion and its importance on energy and environment.


NCCRD will develop state-of-the-art capabilities in combustion research involving experts in the country.


  1. Promote Academic Research in Combustion and Develop trained researchers. 
  2. Increase the density of scientists and engineers in combustion research by promoting Graduation of more PhDs and Masters Students with research on combustion.
  3. Conduct series of summer and winter schools to train students and professionals across the country.
  4. Coordinate Research work formulated to address the following key industry sectors - Automotive Combustion, Thermal Power, Aerospace Propulsion and Fire Supression.
  5. Promote collaboration with industry - Explore problems in relevant Industrial research.
  6. Reach out to Researchers in combustion from various Institutions & Industry and work with them in collaborative mode.
  7. Create Knowledge Network among institute and industry

Featured People
Dr Mahesh Panchagnula


Dr Ramesh A


Featured Projects
Featured Facilities