National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
Thermal Power Lab

Thermal power lab of NCCRD houses the lab-scale version of an MSW (municipal solid wastes) boiler to convert unsegregated Indian MSW to heat and power. Rated at 20 kWth, this is the first of its kind being developed for high moisture, high inert and high organic containing MSW
The pre-burned coal gasifier is used for the study of Indian high ash coal using gasification and cold flow analysis is conducted to check the hydrodynamics. We have the designed and fabricated a lab-scale Fluidized bubbling bed gasification system and Dual mode gasification system .Auxiliary units such as gas cleaning unit, igniting system, air pre heater, steam generator, screw feeding system for coal and high-pressure ash collector have also been designed and fabricated. Provisions for thermocouple based temperature measurements and gas analysis have been made. Coal combustion experiments have been carried out to check for ignition and completion of the combustion process. 
Pulverized coal boiler is being designed and fabricated for studying on flame stabilization and flow analysis

To use the facilities available in this lab, please write to:

List of some of the major facilities/test rigs available in this lab:

  1. Municipal Solid Wastes boiler
  2. Pre-burned coal gasifier
  3. Pulverized cal boiler

Lab Equipments

Featured People
Dr Mahesh Panchagnula


Dr Ramesh A


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