National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
Major Equipment at NCCRD IISc

List of Major Equipment at NCCRD, IISc, Bangalore

Air Piping
Air Receiver
Automatic caloriemeter
Bread board
Camera shutter
Combined tunable plif/shadowgraphy system-1
Combined tunable plif/shadowgraphy system.-2
C mount coupler
Data acquisition unit
Galilean beam expander
Gas mass flow controller
High speed tomographic PIV camera
High-tech mass flow meter
HPC cluster
Liquid flow controller
Mass flow controller
Mini lab gas turbine
Navitor zoom lens
Optical table
PDI Compact system
PDL/LDV Modular System
Perkin Elmer DFC
Perkin Elmer-GCMS
Vertical in line flow meter

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Dr Mahesh Panchagnula


Dr Ramesh A


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