National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
High pressure combustor lab

                                    High pressure gas turbine combustor test facility

     Testing of scaled down versions of combustors at engine conditions is necessary for the full scale development of the combustors and to validate the numerical simulations.IIT Madras (NCCRD) has developed two high pressure rigs for gas turbine testing and development.

1. High pressure performance test Rig: Capable of doing conventional measurements like pressure, exhaust temperature profile, metal temperature and emissions.

2. High pressure optical Rig: Capable of doing optical laser diagnostics experiments in conjunction with conventional measurements.

High pressure performance test Rig Capability:

• This rig was designed to support 3D printed full annular combustor and multi-sector combustor.

• Design Air inlet* – 0.6 kg/s,250 °C, 5 bar

• Fuel – Aviation fuel.

• 16 pressure measurements, 50 thermocouple measurements and dynamic pressure measurements.

• Emission measurements* : O2 , CO2 , CO, NO, NOx ,THC.

• Optical access for viewing the combustor exhaust.

• Capable of running long duration tests up to 8hrs.

High pressure Optical test Rig Capability:

• This rig was designed to support multi-sector optical combustor.

• The rig has two separate air circuits to independently adjust the combustion air and dilution air.

• Design Air inlet* – 0.1 kg/s,250 °C, 10 bar.

• Optical access on all four sides to support simultaneous laser diagnostics experiments.

• Provision for conventional measurements.

• High pressure ignition using Hydrogen torch

• Laser diagnostics: High-speed OH chemiluminescense Streo PIV, PLIF.

* Currently, works are underway to upgrade the air preheater capacity to 1MW and the emission analyzer as per ARP1256. 

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Dr Mahesh Panchagnula


Dr Ramesh A


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