National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Dr. Ramesh A

Professor Dept of Mechanical Engg., IITM


Alternative fuels, Engine emission control, New engine designs, Engine modeling for control, Engine management systems, HCCI engines and Gasoline direct Injection systems.


  1. G.Prakash, A.Ramesh and M.Tazerout, ‘Influence of injection timing and load on the performance and combustion characteristics of a biogas diesel dual fuel engine’, Fuels International-Journal, UK, Vol 1 issue 3, pp 229-243, 2001.
  2.  K.A.Subramanian and A.Ramesh, ‘Experimental investigation on the use of water-diesel emulsion with oxygen enriched air in a DI diesel engine’, SAE Paper No. 2001-01-0205, SP 1592 Incylinder diesel NOx and particulate control,  March 2001.
  3. M.Senthil Kumar, A.Ramesh and B.Nagalingam, ‘Investigations on the use of Jatropha oil and its Methyl ester as a fuel in a diesel engine’,  Journal of the Institute of Energy, UK, March 2001, Vol.74, pp 24-28.
  4. S. Ganesan and A.Ramesh, ‘An experimental study of the characteristics of a LPG based dual fuel engine using water diesel emulsion as the pilot fuel’, Journal of the Institute of Energy, UK, March 2002, vol 75, pp14-18.
  5.  K.A.Subramanian and A.Ramesh, ‘Use of diethyl ether along with water-diesel emulsion in a DI diesel engine’, SAE Paper No. 2002-01-2720, USA.


  1. Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers
  2. Life member of the Combustion Institute
  3. IIT Madras,
  4. National Centre for Combustion Research And Development.


Sponsored Projects

  1. Development of a high performance biogas vegetable oil dual fuel engine
  2. Development of a mixture injection system for improved performance and reduced emissions in two stroke SI engines
  3. Development of an Engine management System for a small Two Wheeler Engine”, 2005, TIFAC Project.

Consultancy Projects

  1. Evaluation of A350 motorcycle engine
  2. Improvement of Shakthiman Truck Engine
  3. Retainer Consultancy- Alternative fuel based tractor engine
  4. Development of an electronic diesel engine controller’,
  5. Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of bio-diesel produced from rubber seed oil
  6. Tests on a stationary kerosene engine
  7. Develoment of  Hydrogen Fuelled Engine’,
  8. Simulation of a Locomotive Engine

List of Students

PhD Students

  1. S Ravi Teja