National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
4th Generation Lean Direct Injection Combustion Research

Speaker : Prof Hukam C Mongia

Date : 22-12-2014 -
Venue: Aero / NCCRD Seminar Hall

Abstract :

Aviation engine substantiation with a new rich-dome diffusion flame combustors used to be a protracted effort in the early 1970’s which has progressively become easier over the years. The aero-derivative engines with dry low NOx engines introduced in the early 1990’s similarly required extensive testing effort for substantiation and this process continues to be very strenuous even after having gained substantial empirical know-how during the last 20 years. The first 2nd generation lean dome combustion system certification process patterned after the aero-derivative engines for the Genx required an order of magnitude more effort than the counter-part rich dome engines. If this process is not changed radically, lean dome aviation engines’ certification resource requirement may lead to products with much higher cost of ownership than their counterpart rich dome engines. This seminar provides background material to recommend formulation of radically different fundamental research as a joint undertaking for the design and development of a 4th generation lean dome concept and supporting fundamental research including diagnostics and modeling. BIO DATA Dr. Mongia joined Purdue on February 2, 2009 as Professor of Mechanical Engineering to work jointly with his colleagues and students to initiate and grow research and technology activities relevant to next-generation energy efficient fuel-flexible ultra-low emissions gas turbine engines for propulsion and power generation. His most recent activities include collaborative works with IISc, UCONN/CAPI-AVIC, Spectral Energies, NASA, Woodward, Nexus, FAA/UT and Dresser Rand. During his 37-year career with three engine design and manufacturing companies (GE Aviation, Allison now Rolls Royce of North America, and Garrett now Honeywell Aerospace), he has contributed significantly in developing combustion technology, design methodology and tools in addition to transition of technology into products; e.g., TAPS for GEnx and other future GE propulsion and Aero derivative industrial engines including LMS100, LEAP-X and GE9X. Dr. Mongia with several professional recognition awards including Fellow of AIAA, ASME, International Society of Energy, Environment and Sustainability, four best technical papers, NASA’s Turning Goals into Reality on Emissions, the four very prestigious awards, viz. the AIAA Air Breathing Propulsion Award, the AIAA Propellant and Combustion Award, the Edison Award and the Egbert Award is credited with more than 30 combustion patents and 300 publications ALL ARE WELCOME

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