Mallikarjuna, J. M and K. Pradeep Kumar, Computer Simulation of Gasoline Direct Injected (GDI) Extended Expansion Engine, SAE Paper No.2005-26-057, Published in Symposium of International Automotive Technology (SIAT 2005), Jan 19-22, 2005, ARAI, Pune.
Subramanian V, J. M. Mallikarjuna and A. Ramesh, Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of A Hydrogen Fueled SI engine – An Experimental Study, Published in proceeding of International Mobility Engineering Congress and Expo-2005, SAEINDIA, Chennai, October 23-25, 2005, SAEINDIA Paper No. 2005-26-349.
Anand Kumar. T, J. M. Mallikarjuna and V. Ganesan, Multi-dimensional Modeling of Fuel-Air Mixing in a Direct Injection Gasoline Spark Ignition Engine Using KIVA-3V Code, Published in t
he Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering in Knowledge Age, Delhi College of Engineering, New Delhi in December 12-14, 2005. Paper No.325, Type 2, ICE/C, 2005.
Murali Krishna. B and J. M. Mallikarjuna, “Renewable Bio-diesel from CSO-A Fuel Option for Diesel Engines”, ASME International Solar Energy Conference, July 8-13, 2006, ASME, Denver USA, 2006.
Murali Krishna. B and J. M. Mallikarjuna, “The Use of Cotton Seed Oil In Direct Injection Diesel Engine As An Alternative Fuel”, Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Bio-Fuels Vision 2015, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India, October 13-15, 2006.
Manohar Reddy, J M Mallikarjuna, V Ganesan, “Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis Through A Brake Disc – A CFD Approach”, Proceedings of IMECE06 2006, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper No: IMECE2006-1431, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Manohar Reddy, J M Mallikarjuna, V Ganesan, “Effect of Vane Shape on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of A Disc Brake”, Published in the Proceedings of the 3rd BSME-ASME International Conference on Thermal Engineering, 20-22 December, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Assistant Professor, Dr. AIT, Bangalore,
Lecturer, MCE Hassan
Best Paper Award for “Thermo-Kinetic Model to Predict Start of Combustion in Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine” by Harshit Gupta and Mallikarjuna, J M, International Conference on Mechanical, Production and Automobile Engineering (ICMPAE-2011), held at Pattaya, Thailand, on Dec 17-18, 2011.
Best Paper Award “Performance, Emission and Combustion Characteristics of a Hydrogen Fuelled SI engine – An Experimental Study” Subramanian, V., J. M. Mallikarjuna and A. Ramesh, International Mobility Engineering Congress and Expo-2005, SAEINDIA, Chennai, SAEINDIA Paper No. 2005-26-349, Oct 23-25, 2005.
Best Paper Award for “Effect of Intake Charge and Coolant Temperature on Combustion and Emissions of a HCCI Engine – An Experimental Study”, Swami Nathan, S., J. M. Mallikarjuna and A. Ramesh, 1st International conference and 20th National Conference on IC Engines and Combustion (ICONICE 2007), JNTU, Hyderabad, India, Dec 6-9, 2007.
4th Rank holder for Mysore University in under graduate level in 1986.
IIT Madras,
National Centre for Combustion Research And Development.
Member of SAE.
Life member of Indian Society for Technical Institution.
Life member of Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Society of India (FMFP).
Development of Combustion Diagnostics Laboratory
Development of Hydrogen Engine for Bus Application
Developing Video and Web Courses for 'Applied Thermodynamics'
Fuel Injected Extended Expansion Engine
Hydrogen Energy (Leading to Development of Hydrogen Car) - Title: Development of Hydrogen Fuelled I.C. Engine for Passenger Car.
FEM Analysis of Engine Valves
Testing on Single Cylinder Diesel Engine
Testing of Fuel Additive on A Multi-Cylinder Petrol Engine
Testing of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Bio-Diesel Produced From Rubber Seed Oil
Testing of MK 10 Engine as per IS:7347-1974 Standard.