Ramakrishna, P. A., Paul, P. J., and Mukunda H. S., Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 29, The Combustion Institute 2003, pp. 2963 - 2973.
Ramakrishna, P. A., Paul, P. J., Mukunda H. S., and C. H. Sohn, “Combustion of Sandwich Propellant at Low Pressures”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 30, The Combustion Institute 2005, pp 2097 - 2014.
Ramakrishna P. A., Paul P. J., and Mukunda H. S., “Revisiting the Modeling of Ammonium Perchlorate Combustion: Development of an Unsteady Model” In Press, Journal of Propulsion and Power .
Shi Yang, P. A. Ramakrishna and C. H. Sohn, “Issues Related to the Modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks”, In Press, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology.
P. A. Ramakrishna, Shi Yang and C. H. Sohn, “Innovative Design to Improve the Power Density of Solid Oxide Fuel cell”, In Press, Journal of Power Sources.
Assistant Professor, IIT, Madras, 2005 onwards
Post Doctoral Fellow, Kyungpook National University, South Korea, 2003 - 2005
Project Associate, Combustion Gasification and Propulsion Laboratory, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 2001 - 2003
IIT Madras,
National Centre for Combustion Research And Development.