Professor Dept of Mechanical Engg., IITM
Phenomenology of Engine Processes,Alternative fuels viz. Bio-diesel, Hydrogen,CFD Modeling of Engine Flows and Combustion ,Emission Modeling particularly Soot,Combustion Diagnostics\Model Based Engine Control
1. Estimation of Lower Heating Value of Vegetable Oil and Biodiesel Fuel; Pramod S Mehta and K Anand;International Journal of Energy & Fuel, American Chemical Society, Published on July 14,2009 on
2. Experimental Investigations on Combustion of Jatropha Methyl Ester in a Turbocharged Direct Injection Diesel Engine; K Anand , R P Sharma and Pramod S Mehta; Proceedings of International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 222, 2008.
3. Accurate Prediction of the Rate of Heat Release in a Modern Direct Injection Diesel Engine;Lakshminarayanan P A, Aghav Y V and Dani A D and Mehta P S; Proc I Mech E vol216, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2002, pp 663-675.
4. Predictions of Tumble and Turbulence in Four Valve Pentroof Spark; Ignition Engines M Achuth and P S Mehta; International Journal of Engine Research, Vol 2, No. 3, 2001, pp. 209-228.
5. A Comparison of the Combustion Efficiencies of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Fuels – A Second Law Approach; Saleel Ismail and Pramod S Mehta; International Conference on Advances in Energy Research, IIT Bombay, December 9-11, 2009, Mumbai, India.
6. Effect of Long Storage Stability of Karanja (Pongamia) Derived Biodiesel Fuel on the Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of a Multi-Cylinder Turbo-Charged Direct Injection Diesel Engine; K Anand, R P Sharma and Pramod S Mehta; 2009 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, ICEF2009, September 27-30, 2009, Lucerne, Switzerland.
7. Predicting Mixing Rates in Multiple Injection CRDI Engines; . Rajkumar, Shamit Bakshi and Pramod S Mehta; 2009 Fall Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, ICEF2009, September 27-30, 2009, Lucerne, Switzerland.
8. Experimental Investigations on Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of Karanja and Jatropha Biodiesel Fuels in a Turbocharged Direct Injection Diesel Engine (Paper No. 10084); K Anand , R P Sharma and Pramod S Mehta; 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 24-27 May 2009.
9. A Two-zone Combustion Model for a Hydrogen Fuelled S I Engine(Paper No 10081); Saleel Ismail and Pramod S Mehta; 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 24-27 May 2009.
10. Performance Evaluation of a Mini I C Engine; Asish Kumar Sarangi, A Ramesh and Pramod S Mehta; SAE Paper No. 2006-32-0056, JSAE Paper No. 2006-65-56, 2006, SAE Small Engine Technology Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, 13-16, November 2006.
11. Performance Evaluation ofn a Mini I C Engine; Asish Kumar sarangi, A Ramesh and Pramod S Mehta; SAE International Small Engine Technology Conference, SAE Paper No. 2006-32-0056, JSAE Paper No. 2006-65-56, Texas, USA, November 2006.
12. Analysis of Flow Processes in Direct Injection Diesel Engine with Different Piston cavities using CFD Pramod S Mehta and N Jaipal ;Proceedings of the 10th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics Peradeniya, Sri Lanka: 17-21 May 2004, pp 417-422.
13. Investigating the Effects of Turbulence Inducement on Diesel engine Combustion and Emission Characteristics; K R Senthilkumar, K V Gopalakrishnan and Pramod S Mehta; Proceedings of Spring Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Division (ICES03), May 11-14, 2003, Salzburg, Austria.
14. Model Predictions for Tumble and Turbulence in SI Engine Combustion Chambers Achuth M, Ganesa Subramanian and Pramod S Mehta Proceedings of Second International SAE Mobility Conference, 2001-28-0013,2002, IIT Madras, India, pp 93-101.
15. Characterization of Tumble Motion in SI Engines – A New Parameter; Pramod S Mehta and Achuth M; Proceedings of ASME Fall Technical Conference ICE Vol. 39, ICEF, 2002-496, 2002, Louisiana, USA, pp 185-192.
16. Phenomenological Model for Swirl-Squish Interactions in Combustion Chamber Geometries of DI Diesel Engines Rajesh Sharma and Pramod S Mehta; Proceedings of ASME Fall Technical Conference ICE Vol. 39, ICEF, 2002-497, 2002, Louisiana, USA, pp 193-200.
17. Prediction of Combustion and In-cylinder Emissions in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine using Multi-Process Models; Pramod S Mehta and Bhaskar T; Proceedings of the Fifth International Symosium on Diagnostics and Modelling of Combustion in Internal Combustion Engines (COMODIA 2001), 2001, Nagoya, japan, pp 101-107.
18. Electronic Management Strategy for Fuel Injection Processes in Gasoline Direct Injection Engine; Satish Kumar B and Pramod S Mehta; Proceedings of XVII NCICEC, 2001, Surathkal, India, pp 327-333.
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