Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg. IIT Madras
Droplet Vaporization and Combustion, Combustion Modelling, Laminar Flame and Stability, Heterogeneous Combustion, Fire Research, Coal and Gasification
201 Thermodynamics and Combustion Engineering Lab
1. V. Raghavan,
Numerical modelling of evaporation and combustion of isolated liquid fuel
droplets - A review, Journal of Indian Institute of Science, 2019, 99(1), 5-23.
2. H.R. Rakesh Ranga,
O.P. Korobeinichev, V. Raghavan, A.G. Tereshchenko, S.A. Trubachev and A.G.
Shmakov, A study of the effects of ullage during the burning of horizontal PMMA
and MMA surfaces, Fire and Materials, 2019, 43(3), 241-255, 1-15.
3. S. Ray, V.
Raghavan, and George Gogos, Two-phase transient simulations of evaporation
characteristics of two-component liquid fuel droplets at high pressures,
International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 2018, 111, 294-309.
4. K.S. Arsava, V.
Raghavan, and A.S. Rangwala, Enhanced oil-spill clean-up using immersed
thermally conductive objects, Fire Technology, 2018, 54(6), 1745-1758.
5. R.S. Khare, P.S.
Senthil, V. Raghavan and K. Narayanaswamy, A comprehensively validated compact
mechanism for dimethyl ether oxidation: An experimental and computational
study, Combustion and Flame, 2018, 196, 116-128.
6. A. Harish, H.R.
Rakesh Ranga, A. Babu, and V. Raghavan, Experimental study of flame
characteristics and stability regimes of biogas-Air cross flow non-premixed
flames, Fuel, 2018, 223, 334-343.
7. Sumit Sarma,
Aritra Chakraborty, N. M. Manu, T. M. Muruganandam, V. Raghavan and S. R.
Chakravarthy, Spatio-temporal Structure of Vertically Spreading Flame over
Non-planar PMMA Surfaces, Proceedings of the combustion institute, 36,
8. Xiachuan Shi,
Akhilesh Kumar Sahu, Sharanya Nair, V. Raghavan, Ali S. Rangwala, Effect of
Ullage on Burning Behavior of Small-Scale Pool Fires in a Cavity, Proceedings
of the combustion institute, 36, 3113-3120.
9. P. Senthil Kumar,
V. Raghavan and T. Sundararajan, The effects of grids on the near-field
evolution of turbulence in a low-Reynolds number jet, Physics of Fluids, 2015,
27, 114101.
10. M. Bharath, V.
Raghavan, B.V.S.S.S Prasad, and S.R. Chakravarthy, Co-gasification of Indian rice
husk and Indian coal with high-ash in bubbling fluidized bed gasification
reactor, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 137, 608-615.
11. K.V. Kumar, M.
Bharath, V. Raghavan, B.V.S.S.S. Prasad, S.R. Chakravarthy and T. Sundararajan,
Gasification of High-Ash Indian Coal in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Using Air and
Steam-An Experimental Study, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 116, 372-381.
12. Manjunath More,
V. Raghavan and P. S. Mehta, Vaporization Characteristics of Suspended Droplets
of Biodiesel fuels of Indian Origin and their Diesel Blends - An Experimental
Study, International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2015, 88, 28-41.
13. P.K. Shijin, Soma
Sundaram, V. Raghavan, V. Babu, Numerical Investigation of Laminar Cross-flow
Non-premixed Flames in the Presence of a Bluff-body, Combustion theory and
modelling, 2014, 18 (6),692-710.
14. Akhilesh Kumar
Sahu, K. A. Joshi, V. Raghavan, Ali S. Rangwala, Comprehensive Numerical
Modelling of Ignition of Coal Dust Layers in Different Configurations,
Proceedings of the combustion institute, 2014, DOI:
15. Neeraj Singh, V.
Raghavan and T. Sundararajan, Mathematical modeling of gasification of
high-ash Indian coals in moving bed gasification system,
International journal of energy research, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/er.3078.