National Center for Combustion Research and Development

Indian Institute Of Technology Madras & Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Dr. Saptarshi Basu

Associate Professor Dept of Mechanical Engg., IISc Bangalore


Combustion Instability, Optical Diagnostics in Fuel cells, Plasma Processing of Nano-ceramics, Flame-Vortex Interactions, Heat Transfer in Multiphase Systems, Thin Film Energetic Materials, Biofuels, Droplet Dynamics in Plasma and Combustion Flame, Radiat




  1. Navid Aminimanesh, Saptarshi Basu and Ranganathan Kumar, “Experiments and Analysis of Thermal Transport in Multi-Layered Nano-Energetic Materials”, Combustion and Flame, Volume 157, Issue 3, pp 476-480, March 2010                                                                                                             
  2. S. Basu, T. Barber, B.M Cetegen, “Computational Study of Scalar Mixing in the Field of a Gaseous Laminar Line Vortex”, Physics of Fluids, Vol 19, Issue 5, May 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  3. S. Basu, M.W Renfro, B.M Cetegen, “Spatially-resolved optical measurements of water partial pressure and temperature in a PEM fuel cell under dynamic operating conditions”, Journal of Power Sources, 162 (2006), pp 286-293                                                                                                                                                  
  4. S. Basu, B.M Cetegen, “Modeling of thermo-physical processes in liquid ceramic precursor droplets heated by monochromatic irradiation”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol 130, Issue 7, 071501                                                                                                                                                                                  
  5. S. Basu, B.M Cetegen, “Modeling of liquid ceramic precursor droplets in a high velocity oxy-fuel flame jet,” Acta Materialia, Vol 56, pp 2750-2759                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  6. B.M Cetegen, S. Basu, “Soot Topography in a planar diffusion flame wrapped by a line vortex”, Combustion and Flame, 146 (2006), pp 687-697                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  7. Saptarshi Basu, Derek E. Lambe, Ranganathan Kumar, “Water vapor and carbon dioxide species measurements in narrow channels”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 53, Issue 4, 31 January 2010, Pages 703-714                         
  8. U. Idahosa, A. Saha, C.Xu and S.Basu, “Non-Premixed Acoustically Perturbed Swirling Flame Dynamics”,Combustion and Flame, Volume 157, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 1800-1814                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  9. Saha, S.Basu, C. Suryanarayana and R.Kumar, “Experimental analysis of thermo-physical processes in acoustically levitated heated droplets”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (25-26). pp. 5663-5674


  • Associate Professor [Tenured], Department of Mechanical Engineering,IISc, Bangalore (2014)                                                                 
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,IISc, Bangalore (2010)                                                                                                         
  • Assistant Professor by Courtesy, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aero, University of Central Florida ( 2010)                         
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering, University of Central Florida (2007)                 
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, (2003)                                             
  • Consultant, PriceWaterHouse Coopers Software Private Limited (2000)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Consultant, Cogentech Management Consultants Private Limited (2001)


  1. Swarnajayanti Fellowship in Engineering Sciences, 2013-2014; Awarded by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India [Awarded to 1-2 researchers in Engineering Sciences annually all over India]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  2. Media Coverage on receiving the Swarnajayanti Fellowship :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  3. Graduate Research Fellowship [First Position] from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut for Outstanding Academic Research, Spring 2007